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仁爱版教材七年级英语上册Unit 1 Getting to know you
上传者:   加入日期:06-04-11

Unit 1 Getting to know you
  Topic I Hello!
  4) 初步了解my, your,等人称代词。
  1. 字母
  2. 重要词汇
   you, good, morning, hi, I,am, is, me,are, yes, my, name, what, your , how too, please, China, thanks, see, stand, up, class, sit, down, thank, this, Mr., mother, do, day, fine, not, good-bye, she, he ,no.
  1) Hello. / Hi./Good morning/Good afternoon/
  2) –What’s your name?
   --My name is Maria/Jane./ Michael.
  3) I am …
  4) –How are you?
   --I’m fine./Not bad, thanks. How are you?
   --I’m fine, thanks.
  5) --Nice to meet you.
  –Nice to meet you, too.
  6) –How do you do?
   --How do you do?
  7) –Stand up, please/ Sit down, please.
  –Thank you.
  8) This is ….
  9) –Is she….? /Is he….?/ Are you…?
  ---Yes, she is./No, she isn’t. etc.
  10) Good-bye./Bye/ See you / See you later.
  4. 语法知识
  由于文化传统和风俗习惯不同,西方国家和我们见面打招呼的用语大不相同。如:我们见面打招呼经常说“你吃饭了吗?”“你上哪儿啊?”而这对于西方国家的人来说都是涉及了个人隐私的问题,是不能问的。西方国家的人初次见面一般说How do you do? 这是正式的问候语;而相互熟悉的人则说Hello、Hi或How are you? 有时陌生人之间打招呼也说Hello或Hi;Good morning/afternoon/…(早上/下午好/……)等则是比较正式的打招呼用语。
  1) 对字母的要求:
  ⑤小写字母a,c,e,m,n,o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z写满中间一格,顶第二、三线,但注意不要写出格外。
  ⑦小写字母g和j的下端抵第四线。小写字母p, q, y的上端在第二格,下端抵第四线。
  2)对词汇的要求: 初学单词,应注意掌握单词的音,形,义。如单词my
  3)对句子的要求:做到发音清晰, 语音语调准确。如一般问句Is she…应用升调.
  4) 要求学会用英语打招呼,介绍自己,他人。
  1.英语26个字母==有5个元音字母。Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu三个字母是元音字母,其余为辅音字母。单词是由字母构成的,26个字母中只有Aa,Ii 可单独构成一个单词,其余24个字母都 不可。每一个单词至少有一个元音字母,元音字母是构成单词的基本要素,而辅音字母只有和元音字母合在一起才能构成单词。
  What’s your name?
  My name is Jane.
  Michael, Zhou Jun
  Ms. Liu 刘老师(刘女士);Miss Wang王小姐;Mr. Chen陈先生/陈老师
  ⑤地点名词首字母要大写。如: China
  3.I am Kangkang. 我(的名字)叫康康。同义句为:My name is Kangkang.
  Wang Hong 王红;Li Sulan 李素兰;欧阳菲菲 Ouyang Feifei
  4. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
  1) 初次见面经人介绍而相互认识后。
  2) 彼此好久没有见面,突然重逢时。
  3) 初次见面分手时。
   How do you do? 你好。
  5. What’s your name?
  6.This is my teacher, Mr Lee.. 这是我的老师,李老师。
  介绍他人时,无论男女老少,通常都说This is…. 不说:She/He is ….注意:this is没有缩写形式,不能写成this’s。
  7.---Have a nice day! 祝你(玩得)愉快
  ---You ,too.。你也一样。
  8. Thanks. 谢谢。
  这是一句礼貌用语。当对方给了我们帮助,关心、善待我们,或称赞、夸奖我们时,我们都要说Thanks或Thank you.
  I am Jane. 我是简。
  I am fine. 我很好。
  Li Ming is my friend. 李铭是我的朋友。
  Is she Maria? 她是玛丽亚吗?
  Are you Mr. Liang? 你是梁先生吗?
  同时I am= I’m my name is =my name’s what is=what’s is not = isn’t
  10.Welcome to China.欢迎到中国。
  Welcome +地点,表示欢迎到某地,如:
  Welcome to Hainan. 欢迎到海南。
  Welcome to Ding’an Middle School. 欢迎到定安中学。
  11.Good-bye/Bye/See you later. 再见。
  正式场合常用Good-bye告别,回答也用Good-bye。口语中或熟人之间(特别是小孩之间)喜欢用Bye-bye或Bye。其他常用的道别语还有:See you.回头见。 See you later.待会见。See you tomorrow.明天见。
  1. ID ( ) 2. kg ( ) 3. CCTV( ) 4.ml( )
  5.VIP( ) 6.UFO( ) 7.SARS( ) 8. PRC ( )
  III. 找出下列单词中的元音字母。
  1. afternoon ( ) 2. name ( ) 3. your ( ) 4. are ( )
  5. mother ( ) 6. China ( ) 7. fine ( ) 8. class ( )
  IV. 朗读下列各组字母,分辨其是否包含相同的音素,如相同,请写“S ”,不同的,请写”D”.
  1. A , B ( ) 2. E , Z ( ) 3. f , h ( ) 4. s , x ( )
  5 K, L ( ) 6. m ,n ( ) 7. p, q ( ) 8. O, I ( )
  V. 选择填空。
  ( )1. ---How do you do ? ---______________?
  A. How are you B. How do you do C. Fine
  ( )2. ---Sit down , please. ---______________.
  A. Thank B. Thank you C. Thanks you
  ( )3. ---Are you Mr. Liang? ---______________.
  A.Yes, I’m B.Yes, he is C.Yes, I am
  ( )4.. ---____ he my teacher?
  A.Is B. Are C. is
  ( )5. My name is______________.
  A. Han MeiMei B. Sima Guang C. Liu lan
  ( )6. ---___________ ? --- Not bad, thanks.
  A. How are you B. How do you do C. What’s your name
  ( )7. _______ Kangkang, and _________ my mother.
  A. I’m , this’s B. I am , this is C. I’m , This is
  ( )8 ---What’s ____ name ? ---My name is Jane.
  A. you B. your C. my
  例:A:I am Kangkang. Are you Kangkang ?
  B: She is Jane Is she Jane?
  C: He is my teacher. Is he your teacher?
  1. I am fine.
  2. He is Mr. Chen.
  3. She is Lanlan.
  4. My name is Maria.
  5. You are Miss Chen.
  1. _______________ your __________? _____________ is Mike.
  你叫什么名字? 我叫迈克。
  2. _________ to meet ____________,too.
  3. Good ______________, ________________,please.
  4. How __________________? _________ , thanks.
  你好吗? 我很好,谢谢。
  VIII.用系动词be( am, is, are)的正确形式填空。
  1. ______ you fine?
  2. I _________ Mr. Chen.
  3. ___________ he your mother?
  4. He and I________ teachers.
  5. _________ your mother fine?
  6. How _________ he? He _________ OK.
  A:Excuse ___1___, are_____2_____ Jack?
  B: ____3_____, I am not.
  A: Sorry(对不起)
  A: Excuse me, are you Jack?
  C: Yes, I ____4____.
  A: Oh, good! I am Helen._____5_____ to Haikou.
  C: Thanks.
  1._________ 2.________ 3._________ 4._________ 5.__________
  Topic II Where are you from?
  1) 学会询问对方来自哪里。掌握国名,地名,人名。
  2) 掌握由Where及who引导的特殊疑问句表达及其回答。
  3)掌握his,her,my, your,they 等人称代词
  5) 区别a,an的用法。
  1. 语音
  1) 掌握单词的重音。如:Ja’pan
  2) 掌握特殊疑问句的语调。
  2. 重要词汇
  where, they , from, and, her, his, , in, now, it, doctor, student ,an American USA, New York, England, Japan
  3. 曰常交际用语
  1) ---Where are you from?
  ---I am from….
  2) ---Where is/are he/she/they from?
  --- He’s/she’s /They are from…..
  3) ---What’s his/her name?
  --His/Her name is….
  4) ---Who’s she?
  ---She is….
   5) Good evening.
  4. 语法知识
  2)Where ,Who , What引导的特殊疑问句的构成及回答。
  3) 巩固系动词be中am、is、are的不同变化及缩略形式。
  一些东西方国家的.自然风光和名胜古迹。如;美国的白宫(the White House),自由女神(the Statue of Liberty),法国的艾菲尔铁塔( the Eiffel Tower),英国的伦敦桥(London Bridge),中国的长城(the Great Wall),埃及的金字塔(Pyramids)。同时,各个国家的国旗形状,颜色不同,它们所代表的含义也不相同。
  3) 本话题主要为where, who,what引导特殊疑问句,同学们在学习时要注意掌握其构成,语音语调。对where提问的句子进行归纳。
  4) 要求能听懂姓名,国籍基本情况的简单对话,并进行交际。
  1.Where are you from? 你是哪里人?或 你来自哪儿?
  1) 同义句为:Where do you come from?
  2) be from :来自 ,be指am, is, are 如:
  王楠来自中国。Wang Nan is from China.
  我来自海口。I am from Haikou.
  你来自定安吗?Are you from Ding’an?
  他们来自澳门。They are from Macao.
  又如:You are from Hainan. (正)
  You from Hainan. (误)
  . 杰克来自悉尼。Jack __________.
  (答案:.is from Sydney.)
  3) where +be +主语+from? 表示:某人来自哪儿?
   他们来自哪儿?Where are they from?
  她来自哪儿? Where is she from?
  玛丽亚来自哪里? Where is Maria from?
  1. Her name’s = Her name is 意思是:她的名字是…。Her, his, my, your 是形容词性人称代词。如:
  她的妈妈 her mother
  他的老师 his teacher
  我的朋友 my friend
   注意:形容词性人称代词不能与a,an一起连用 如:my a teacher(误),只能说:my teacher 或a teacher。a teacher of mine
   3.. I am from Canana. I am a Canadian. 我来自加拿大。我是加拿大人。
   加拿大---Canada 加拿大人----Canadian
   中国 China 中国人----Chinese
  巴西----Brazil 巴西人----Brazilian
  美国----Amercia 美国人----American
  曰本-----Japan 曰本人---- Japanese
  4.I am from the USA.
  1)The USA=the United States of America 美国,全称叫美利坚合众国。
  2) 美国的绰号也叫“山姆大叔”。一般认为源与1812年英美战争期间,译名为山姆尔. 威尔逊(Samuel Wilson) 专门检查==军需品定货的美国人,其亲友平时叫他“山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam),因其姓名的英文U.S.首字母与军需品箱子上的英国简称相同,人们戏称这些箱子都是他的。传开后,“山姆大叔”即成了美国的绰号。
  5.---Where are you from? (降调)
  --- I am from Canana. (降调)
  --- Are you from Toronto? (升调)
  ----Yes, I am. (降调)
  I am from China. (降调)
  Is she from Japan? (升调)
  Is he Michael? (升调)
  What is his name? (降调)
  6.But my family is in Beijing. 但是我家在北京。
   表示在某地 如:在海南:in Hainan; 在海口:in Haikou ,在中国
  in China;
  7. Who’s this?=Who is this? 这是谁?通常用This is….来回答。 如知道所问对象时,也he/she 可用来代替。如:
   1)---Who is this? 这是谁?
   ---This is Kate. 这是凯特。
  2)---Wha is she? 她是谁?
  --- She is Kate. 她是凯特
  8. He is an American. 他是一位美国人。为什么这里用an而不用a呢?而a Canadian又用a呢?你想到了吗?原来a通常用于辅音之前,而an通常用于元音之前。如:
  an Englishman 一位英国人
  a teacher 一位教师
   a Chinese 一位中国人
  an egg 一个鸡蛋
  I. 根据句子意思或汉语提示,填写所缺单词。(部分词首字母已给出。)
  1. She is from C___________. She is a Chinese.
  2. Kumiko is a J___________. She is from Japan.
  3. Ronaldo is from B_________. He’s a Brazilian.
  4. Jones is from the USA. She is an A_________.
  5. ---W___________are they from? ---They are from Beijing.
  6. ---What’s h_______ name? ---- is Beckham.
  7. ---What’s her_________ name? --- Wang Nan.
  8. Is she a ___________(教师)?
  9. W_____ is this? This is Jack.
  10. His mother is a ____________(医生)。
  1. She is from Germany.________________________
  2. His name’s Kangkang._______________________
  3. Where’s Zhuzhou? __________________________
  4. It’s here._______________________
  5. Who is this?_____________________
  6. Where’re they?___________________
  1. 来自 ________ 2. 他的名字__________
  3.她的老师____________ 4. 你的家庭____________
  5. good evening_____________ 6.in Xi’an__________
  7. a student _____________ 8. 一位美国人_________
  IV. 选择填空。
  ( )1. ---Good evening! ---______________!
  A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening
  ( )2. ---She’s from Shanghai. ---______________.
  A. Welcome B. Thank you C. Yes,she is
  ( )3. ---Where is he from? ---__________ from New York..
  A.He’s B.She’s C.I’m
  ( )4.. ---____ they my teachers?
  A.Is B. Are C. is
  ( )5.Jones is from __________ USA.
  A. a B.an C. the
  ( )6. ---___________ ? ---No,I am not.
  A. Is he from Hainan
   B. Are you from Hainan
   C. Is she from Hainan
  ( )7. Ronaldo is ________ Brazilian and Jones is ____ American.
  A. a, the B. an, a C.a, an
  ( )8 ---Who’s this ? ---______________Wang Yu.
  A.This’s B. She’s C.This is
   V. 连词成句。(请注意标点符号)
  what , name, is ,his ______________________?
  is ,this , who_____________________________?
  is, it, Hunan, in ___________________________.
  are, from, England, where, they____________________________?
  family, but, in, is, China ,my ______________________________.
  from, is, Amy, Washington D.C___________________________.
  2. His name is Jack.(就划线部分提问)
  __________ is his name?
  3. My name is Kangkang. (就划线部分提问)
  __________is _______ name?
  4. They are from Cuba. (就划线部分提问)
   ___________ ________ they from?
  5. I am Zhang Yimou. (同义句)
  ________ _________ is Zhang Yimou.
  6. This is Mr. Zhang. (就划线部分提问)
  _________ this?
  7. Nanjing is in Jiangshu. (就划线部分提问)
  ____________ is Nanjing?
  8. Mary is from London. (就划线部分提问)
  __________ is Mary from?
  9. He is Jack. (一般疑问句)
  ______ __________ Jack?
  10. I am Kangkang. (一般疑问句)
  _________ _________ Kangkang? (一般疑问句)
  11. They are from the USA. (一般疑问句)
  ________ ___________ from the USA?
  VII.用be ( am, is are )填空。
  4. _______ they from Japan? Yes , they ________.
  5. You ________ a teacher and she _____ a doctor.
  6. Where _______ Jack from?
  7. I _______ fine,too. Thanks
  8. Who _______ this? This ________ Wang Kang.
  9. ____ you a student? Yes I _____.
  10. Where _______ Beijing? It_______ in China.
  11. ________ Ronaldo a Brazilian? Yes, he ___ .
  12. “I” ______ a letter.
  13. You and I _________ students.
  14. He and she_________friends(朋友)
  A: Hi!. Amy.
  B: ____1____! Jane
  A: Amy. _____2____ is my brother, Jack. Jack this is my friend(,Amy.
  C: Nice to meet ____3____.
  B: Nice to meet you ,__4_______.
  C: How are you ?
  B: I am fine,_____5____ you ?
  C: I am not bad, _____6_____ Excuse me, __7_____ are you __8______?
  B: I am from Washington D. C.
  C. Is it _____9__ the USA?
  B: Yes , that’s___10_____ .
  1.___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.__________ 5._______
  6.___________ 7.___________ 8.___________ 9._________ 10._______
  1. Kumiko 2. Canadian 3. American 4. Chicago
  5.Toronto 6. Ronaldo 7.Cuba 8.Japan
  Topic III I’m twelve years old
  1. 语音
  1) 体会字母, a , i, o 在单词bag/map/bike.box中的发音;字母组合e e的发音 。
  3) 学会由what引导的特殊疑问句表达及其回答的语音语调。
  1)基数词掌握:zero---twenty 等21个基数词的读音,拼写。
   2) year, old, grade, class, toy, car,orange, box, apple , these, those, bus, bag, book, cake, school, same, friends, bike., English , egg, age
  1)---Who’s that?
  2)---How old is/are he/she/you?
   ---He’s/She’s/I’m…years old.
  3)---What class is/are she/he/you in?
   ---He’s/she’s/They are in Class….
  4)---What grade are you/he/she in?
   --- I’m/He’s/She’s in Grade….
  5)---What ‘s your telephone/fax/BP/cell phone number?
   --- It’s….
  6)---what’s this/that in English?
   --- It’s a/an….
  7)---How do you spell it?
  8) ---Is this/that a…?
   ---Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
  9)---What are these/those in English?
   --- They are….
  3) 由what引导的特殊疑问句表达及其回答。
  4)巩固系动词be中am, is, are的用法和区别。
  1)由于文化传统和风俗习惯不同,西方国家的人忌讳别人询问其年龄,这对于西方国家的人来是涉及了个人隐私的问题。因此,遇到外宾,特别是年龄大的人和女士时,更不要询问对方的年龄。即使是中国人,对长者问“How old are you”?也是不礼貌的。由于工作的需要或者其他的原因,确实需要问时应该问:“Excuse me, how old are you?” 或“Excuse me, may I know your age?”
  at sixes and sevens意思是“乱七八糟”你想到了吗?那下面的呢?你知道它们的真正含义吗?请你看一看,猜一猜,比一比。它们与汉语有什么不同之处?
  A. one to one
  B. one by one
  C. by twos and threes
  A. in threes and fours
  E. five and ten
  F. six to one
  G. ten to one
  (答案: A.一对一 B.一个接一个 C.三三两两 D.三五成群E.便宜的 F.相差悬殊G.很可能)
  1. 学以致用:联系实际,运用所学语言知识,进行交际,了解你的同学的基本情况。如:What class are you in? How old are you ? What’s your phone number ?etc.将所学知识运用到自己的生活中。
  2. 细心观察:初次接触可数名词的复数,应注意其单数与复数的词形变化,试着找一找是否有什么规律可循。同时,要注意其读音。
  1) 一般在名词词尾加--s,如;
  car----cars; apple---apples
  2) 以s,x,结尾的词,在词尾加---es,如:
  box---boxes; bus---buses.
  3) 部分国人的复数:以an结尾的单词,在词尾加—s;以结尾的单词,单复数同形。如:
  Chinese---Chinese, Japanese---Japanese,
   American---Americans Brazilian--Brazilians
  2)从13~19大都是在3~9加上后缀-teen。如:四four,十四fourteen,但要注意不规则的变化。如:thirteen 13; fifteen 15; eighteen 18等。
  3) 基数词可以表示年代,时刻,编号,电话号码,车牌号码等。电话号码一般用阿拉伯数字写,但必须用英语读音。如:6579210应读作:six-five-seven-nine-two-one-zero或six-five-seven-nine-two-one-O。如果号码中有两个数字相同,可用double(双,两倍的)来表示。如:67203668可以读作:six-seven-two-zero-three-double six-eight。
  2.--How old are you? 你多少岁?
   --I’m twelve years old. 我十二岁。
  how old 多少岁
  how many 多少;
  how much 多少钱;;
  how tall 多高
  请注意区别How are you?与 How old are you?,它们一样吗?
  2)…years old 指“……岁”。I’m twelve years old. 也可以说成I’m twelve 注意:超过1岁year要加复数。另,year-old可用作形容词,但year不能用复数,并且有连字符号-。如:
  a twelve-year-old boy 一个十二岁的男孩
  2. ---What class are you in? 你在哪个(几)班?
  ---I’m in Class2,Grade 1. 我在一年级二班。
  1) 注意介词in, 表示“在…..,..里”。还记得吗?:如:在上海:in Shanghai;
  2) 在英语中,在几班或在几年级都应用介词 ,如:在七年级:in Grade Seven. 在一班:in Class One ;还要注意班级的词首字母要大写(注意黑体字)
  3) 先表达小地点,再表达大地点,如:在七年级二班:in Class Two, Grade Seven:又如:在中国海南:in Hainan, China
  4.—What’s this in English? 这是什么?
   --- It’s an orange. (它)是一个橘子。
  in 表示“以……”“用……” ,如:in English用英语 :用汉语: in Chinese.
  2) This,that 在句中是指示代词。this是“这”的意思,指较近的人或物体; that是“那”的意思,只较远的人或物体。当它们当主语用于表示物体并用于问句时,通常用it来回答。如:
   ----What’s that? ----It’s an egg.
   ----Is this a car? ----No, it isn’t.
  5.How do you spell it? 你怎样拼它(这个单词)呢?
  6.---Is this a toy? 这是一个玩具吗?
   --- Yes,it is. 是的。
  6.---What are these?
   ---They are buses.
  1)These , those在句中是指示代词。these是“这些”的意思,指较近的人或物体; those是“那些”的意思,只较远的人或物体。当它们当主语用于表示物体并用于问句时,通常用they来回答。如:
   ---What are those? ----They are eggs.
   ---Are these books? ----Yes, they are.
  this, that,these,those 作为指示形容词不能与my your,his,a,an等连用,如:
  this book, (正) this a book (误)
  these my books (误) those books (正)
  What’s your name?
  What’s her name?
  What class are you in?
  What grade are you in?
  What’s your telephone number?
  What’s your fax number?
  What’s this?
  What are these?
  7.They are not in the same class. 我们在同一个班。
   the same 意思是“同一的,一样的”,the 一定不可省。如:
   We are in the same grade. 我们在同一个年级。
  4. H________ are you? Not bad , thanks.
  5. What ‘s this in E________? It’s a book.
  6. What are _________(这些)? They are ___________(公共汽车)
  7. They are ___________(苹果)
  8. What_______(班)are you in ?
  9. What ___________(年级) is she in?
  10. ---How __________ is Ellen? --- Eight.
  11. Miss Gao is _______________(二十)years old.
  12. Is that a____________(书包)?
  10. They are good ______________.(朋友)
  1. 用英语 ________ 2. 在八年级十班__________
  3.她的英文名字____________ 4. an egg____________
  5. fax number_____________ 6.how old__________
  7. fifteen years old _____________ 8. 一个橘子_________
  III 选择填空。
  ( )1. ---__________? ---I am eleven.
  A. How do ou do B. How are you
  C. How old are you D. how do you spell it
  ( )2. ---What’s that?. ---It’s______egg.
  A. a B. the C. / D. an
  ( )3. ---Is that a toy?---__________ .
  A.Yes, I am B.No, it is.
   C.Yes, that is. D. Yes, it is
  ( )4.. ---_____________? They are cars.
  A.What is that B.Where are you from
   C.What are those D. Who’s that
   ( )5 What grade are you _________?
  A. to B. in C.from D. too
  ( )6. ---___________ ? ---B--O--X, box
  A. How old are you
   B. What’s his fax number?
   C. What’s your cell phone number
   D. How do you spell it?
  ( )7. She is from China,she is an___________
  A.Chinese B. Japanese C American D. Korean
  ( )8 What are these in English?---________
   A.Those are boxes. B. These are boxes
   C. You are boxes D. They are boxes
  1. This is a toy.(就划线部分提问)
  __________ is this?
  2. I am in Class Thirteen. (一般疑问句)
  _________ __________ in Class Thirteen?
  3. Is she in Grade Nine? (肯定回答)
  __________,________ ________.
  4. They are oranges (就划线部分提问)
   ___________ ________ they?
  5. I am ten. (同义句)
  I am ____________ _________ ____________.
   6. Is that a book? . (否定回答)
  ____________ ,________ ____________.
  7. My telephone number is 31664733. (就划线部分提问)
  __________ is your telephone number?
  8. This is my friend. (一般疑问句)
  ______ __________ _________ friend?
  9.Wang Fei is in Class Seven. (一般疑问句)
  _________ Wang Fei in Class Seven?
  10.They are in Grade Seven. (就划线部分提问)
  ________ ___________ ______ they in?
  11.What’s this in English?.(改为复数形式)
  __________ __________ in English?
  12. They are buses.(改为单数形式)
   ____________ ______________ _____________.
  V. 从B栏中找出A栏的答语。
  A B
  ( )1. How are you? A. I am five
  ( )2. What is that in English? B. She is Jane.
  ( )3. See you later. C. It’s a bag.
  ( )4.How old are you? D. Yes, I am
  ( )5. Is this your book? E. I am fine.
  ( )6. What’s your telephone number? F. See you later
  ( ) 7.What grade are you in? G. 68006858.
  ( )8. Who’s she? H. Grade Nine.
  ( )9. Are you Mr. Liang? I. Yes, it is.
  ( )10. How do you spell “car”? J. C---A---R, car.
  VI. 情景交际。根据上下文选择下列选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。
  A:Good morning!
  B: ________1_______
  A: ________2_______
  B: My name is Li Ming. ____3______
  A: I am fine, thanks. And you?
  B: I am fine, too.
  A: Excuse me,________4_______
  B: It’s an apple.
  B: A—P—P—L – E ,apple.
  A: Thank you.
  B: You are welcome.
   1.____________ 2.___________ 3.____________ 4.__________ 5._________
  A. How do you spell it?
  B. What’s your name?
  C. How old are you?
  D. How are you?
  E. See you later.
  F. Good morning!
  G. What’s this in English?
  I am Li Mei. I am a middle school student. I am twelve years old.I am in Class One, Grade Seven.. I am from Beijing, and my mother and father are in Beijing now. My mother is a teacher. She is thirty years old. My father is a doctor. He is thirty-two years old. I am in Haikou now. I have a good friend here. Her name is Liu Ying. She is fourteen years old. She is from Shanghai.We are in the same class.
  ( )1. How old is Lei Mei?
   A. twelve B. thirteen C. fourteen D. thirty
  ( )2. Where is Lei Mei from?
   A. Hainan B. Beijing C.Shanghai D. Haikou
  ( )3. How old is Liu Ying?
   A. twelve B. thirteen C. fourteen D. thirty
  ( )4. What class is Liu Ying in?
   A.Class Two B. Grade Seven
  C. I don’t know( 我不知道) D. Class One
  ( )5. Is Li Mei’s mother a teacher or a doctor?
   A. A student B. A teacher
   C. A doctor D. Yes, she is.
  VIII. 练笔时间。
  刚学英语,很多我们单词都不认识。这时,正好Mr. Liang走过来,向他请教一下, 钢笔(pen)用英语怎么说。 你能就此情景编写一段与Mr.Liang的对话吗?相信你,一定行!
  A: You B: Mr. Liang
  A: Good morning! Mr. Liang!


 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit1 topic 3 Section D课件 17-01-14

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 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit1 topic 3 Section B课件(6份) 17-01-14

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 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit1 topic 1 Section D课件(5份) 17-01-14

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit1 topic 1 Section C课件(6份) 17-01-14


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