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仁爱版七年级英语上 Unit 4 Having fun
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Unit 4 Having fun
Topic I Can I help you?
1. 语言技能
2) 灵活运用交际用语。

2)floor, hundred, try, percent, bicycle, umbrella, fridge, radio, kilo, favor, run, store, expensive, open, shop, vegetable, corn, wheat, worry
3. 语言结构
1)---What can I do for you?
---I am looking for….
2)---Thanks a lot.
---Not at all.
3) –Can I try it on?
--- Of course
4) How much is…?
5) They are too expensive..
6) ---80 yuan! Are you kidding?
--- well, thanks anyway. We’re just looking.
1. 学以致用:运用购物用语,进行情景对话。巩固所学。
2. 比较记忆: 细心观察,比较记忆单词, 如基数词:
1)20、30、40……翟畸数大部分为2~9加上后缀-ty。但要注意不规则的变化。如:twenty 20; thirty 30; forty 40; fifty 50; eighty 80等。
thirty-eight 38(30+8)
twenty-nine 29(20+9)

1.---What can I do for you? 你要买点什么?
--- I am looking for some clothes for my daughter.
1)What can I do for you?这是服务行业常用的套语句子,与May /Can I help you?同义。
2)Look for寻找
look at, 看 look after,照看
look the same.看起来一样 look like 看起来像
2. The clothes section are on the fourth floor. 服装类在四楼。
3. Not at all.不用谢。
可与 You are welcome. That’s all right.互换。
4. Do you have a yellow dress like this? 你有像这样黄色的裙子吗?
like this 像这样; Do it like this.像这样做。
5 Yes, here it is. 有,给你。
here it is 与Here you are同义
6. Can I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗?
try on 试穿
7. Changing room 试衣间
8. How much is it? (裙子)它多少钱?
how much 多少钱
与How much does it cost? 同义,
How much are these shoes? 这鞋多少钱?
How much is this book? 这本书多少钱?
9. These dresses are on sale for 30%(thirty percent)off 这些裙子打七折。
1) On sale 本意为“在销售”,但此处为“降价,减价”。
2). for …off 以……销售降价打折。
10. Could you do me a favor? 请你帮帮忙好吗?
类似的有:Could you help me?回答为Sure /Of course?或I’m afraid not/I’m sorry I can’t.
do sb. a favor 帮助某人
11. Could you run over to the store? We need a few things.你能不能跑到商店去?我们需要几样东西。
1)run over to跑到
2)a few“一点,几个”,常修饰可数名词 a little “一点,几个”,常修饰不可数名词。如:
a few apples 几个苹果 a few burgers几个汉堡包
a little water,一点水 a little salt 一点盐
12. Pick up some salt.买点盐。
pick up原意为“挑选,拾起” 如:
Pick up the book on the floor 拾起地板上的书。
Salt 为不可数名词。
13. We’re out of milk 我们的盐用完了。
be out of “没有,用完”,如:I am out of money 我没钱了。
14. Here’s your change 找你零钱。

I. 根据句子意思,填写所缺单词。(词首字母已给出。)
1.We can buy some clothes in a s__________.
2. ---Could you do me a f___________? ---Sure, what is it?
3. That coat is too e___________, we don’t have much money.
4.There are s________ seconds (秒)in a minute(分钟)
5. There are t___________days(天) in a month.
6. Forty and sixty is one h__________.
7. Don’t w_________.Let’s help you.
8. ---How do the pants f_____? --- They are too long.
9. I want to buy the things on the shopping l________.
10. These shoes are on s__________ for 10%off.
II. .根据句子意思,用单词的适当形式填空。
1.My shoes are worn out, what about__________(you)?
2._How much _______ (be)this skirt?
3.How much __________(be) these apples?.
4.__________ (who) bicycle is this?
5.Here is _____________(you) change..
6.I would like three____________(kilo) of salt.
7.Let’s try _________(they) on.
8.His friends have two ____________(radio) .
9.How many _________(umbrella) do you need?
1. try on________ 2. look for__________
3.on sale____________
4. 八十包大米____________ 5. 两公斤盐_____________ 6.be out of__________ 7. running shoes _____________ 8. 多少钱_________
( )1. How do I look ____ this dress?
A. on B. for C. in D. with
( )2. Would you like to try _______ another pair?
A. on B. for C. in D. with
( )3. ---_____________?I am just looking, thanks.
A. What can I do for you
B. Could you do me a favor
C. May I take your order
D. What would you like
( )4.This house is ______ sale.
A. on B. for C. in D. with
( )5 I am _________ a jacket for my son.
A.looking at B. looking after C.looking for D. looking like
( )6. Could you do some shopping forn me, we need _________ thing.
A. a little B. little C. much D. a few
( )7. ----__________? --- Two hundred yuan.
A. How much is this apple B.How is your dog
C. How much is that recorder D. How do you like this recorder
( )8.---What is she? ---____________?
A.Fine,thanks B. A waitress
C.She’s Jane D.She’s thin and tall.
( )9. You can buy a_______ in a clothes shop.
A.hat B.recorder C. fridge D.VCD player
( )10.This is _____ umbrella.
A..a B. the C.an D./
V. 情景交际。根据上下文选择下列选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。
J: Jerry S: Salesgirl
J: Yes,I am looking for s dress, but I can’t decide which one to buy.
S: It doesn’t matter. Let me help you. _____2_________?
J: I like pink.
S: what about this one?
J: It looks nice,______3________
S: Of course. The changing room is over there.
(Jerry tries on the dress.)
S: You look very nice.
S: One hundred yuan.
J: I’m afraid it is too expensive. What about 80yuan?
S: All right, 80 yuan.

A: How much is it?
B: Can I have it for 100 yuan?
C: Could you do me a favor?
D: What color do you like?
E: How do I look in this dress?
F: Can I try it on?
G:May I help you?
1.___________ 2.__________ 3.____________ 4.__________ 5._______

VI.用how 完成下列对话。
1.---_______________________it? ---H---A---T, hat.
2.---___________people are there in your family? ---Five.
3---___________________? ---I am five.
4.----________________ this computer? --- Five thousand yuan.
5.--- ____________ your grandfather? --- He’s fine,thanks
6.---______________ the food? --- I like it a lot.

Topic II They are having a picnic
1. 语言技能
2) 灵活运用打电话的简单交际用语。
2)first, free, have to, Saturday, Sunday, picnic, classroom, swim, tell, plan, forget, lighter, kite, tool, speak to, message, collect, prepare, wash, dish,sing, sleep, next, meeting, listen
3. 语言结构
1)---This is …speaking.
2)---What/How about ….?
3)---Let’s ….
3) ---May I speak to …?
--- Sorry, she isn’t in can I take a message?
4) ---What is/are he/she/they doing?
---He/she/They is/are….
5) What’s up?
6) ---Can I give her a message?
--- Yes, this is Jane. Could you ask her to call me back this evening?
1) 部分动词,固定搭配的用法。:
2) 现在进行时。
美国的大城市是人们旅游的热点之一。曼哈顿的接墒和旧店多挤满了人。人们还喜欢洛杉矶,旧金山, 新奥尔良等。近年来,野外宿营成为一种时尚。比如人们可以在落基山脉的山谷里找一处宁静的营地,沿着山里的河流骑马或远足。

美国人爱养宠物的风气经久不衰,上至总统,下至平名百姓,多喜欢养宠物。据说, 在全美有5000万人养了猫,狗。美国人对宠物的服务可谓是尽善尽美,各地 大小超市必不可少的是狗食猫食专柜,为宠物服务的专门商店,宠物医院和宠物公墓等随处可见。逢年过节,若是给对方的宠物准备一份厚礼,对方一定会很开心。

1. 学以致用:运用打电话用语,进行情景交际对话。巩固所学。
2. 总结归纳: 现在分词的构成。
3 区别比较:一般现在时与一般现在时。
1)一般现在时表示经常发生的动作。常often, sometimes与连用。一般现在时表示动作正在进行,常now与连用。如:
He often has apples / He is having apples.
They sometimes run in the morning./ They are running now.
构成:be(am, is, are)+动词-ing形式。它的句型变化和be动词的句型变化一样,一般疑问句把be提前,否定句在be后加not。如:
He is singing. Is he singing? He isn’t singing .
They are having a picnic. Are they having a picnic? They aren’t having a picnic.
Look! They are reading.
Are theycarrying water now?
Her name is Jenny.
I get up in the morning.
She likes vegetables.
肯定句:I am hot.
否定句:I am not hot.
一般疑问句:Are you hot?
肯定和否定回答:Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
肯定句:I get up in the morning.
否定句:I don’t get up in the morning.
一般疑问句:Do you get up in the morning.
肯定回答和否定回答:Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
你看得出这些句型变化的规律吗?是的,很简单,在动词前加don’t就变成否定句,在主语前加do就变成一般疑问句,而一般疑问句的回答是Yes 或No加上主语再加上do或don’t。如果主语是第三人称单数,又有一些不同的变化。
肯定句:Jenny gets up in the morning.
否定句:Jenny doesn’t get up in the morning.
一般疑问句:Does Jenny get up in the morning?
肯定回答和否定回答:Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
你看得出这些句型变化的规律吗?很简单,在动词前加doesn’t就变成否定句,在主语前加does就变成一般疑问句,而一般疑问句的回答是Yes 或No加上主语再加上does或doesn’t。另外,同学们要注意,一般疑问句的回答主语要转换成代词。


1. This is Kangkang.我是康康。
这是电话用语,This is …意为“我是….不说: I am…. 如果说:“你是….?,则应为Is that/it ….?“你是谁”,应为: Who’s that(speaking)? Hold on , please/ Wait a moment ,please 请稍候。
Could I speak to …?我能与通话吗?
2. What’s up? 有什么事?
用于询问对方“怎么了?”也可说为“What’s wrong? What’s the matter?”
3. Are you free this Saturday?这个星期六有空吗?
1)be free 有空;如:
We are free on Sundays.我们星期天有空。
2)this Saturday 这个 星期六this term 这个学期
4. I have to visit a friend. 我得去拜访一位朋友。
Have to 必须,不得不, 如:
I have to go home now.现在我得回家了。
5. Yes, I am free on Sunday. 有,星期天我有空。
On Sunday 在星期天,当时间表示为具体的某一天是,用介词on;如:
on Saturday 试比较:
in the morning/evening/afternoon 在早上/下午/晚上
on Sunday morning/afternoon /evening 在星期天早上/下午/晚上
6. Let’s make a plan for the picnic. 让我们为野炊订个计划吧。
make a plan 订计划,如:
Let’s make a plan for the meeting.让我们为会议订个计划。
7. Yes. Let’s discuss it in our classroom tomorrow afternoon明天下午我们在教室里讨论讨论。
tomorrow afternoon 明天下午
tomorrow morning/evening 明天早上/晚上
this morning/ this afternoon /this evening 今天早上/下午/晚上
8 .Please tell Maria about it. 请把这件事告诉玛丽娅。
tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 如:
I’ll tell you about my family. 关于我的家庭我会告诉你的。
9 go swimming 去 游泳;
go shopping 去买东西 go boating去划船
go fishing 去钓鱼 go out for a picnic去野外野炊
10 . --Hello! May I speak to Maria, please?我可以同玛丽娅说话吗?
---Sorry, she isn’t in now. Can I take a message? 对不起,她现在不在家。我可以捎个口信吗?
1) Speak to sb.对……说 :
May I speak to your father? 我可以同你父亲说话吗?
2)be in: 在家 :be at home
3)take a message 捎个口信,如:
I’ll take a message for you. /I’ll give her your message我可以替你捎个口信。
11. Could you ask her to call me back this evening? 你能叫她今晚给 我回个电话吗?
1)ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事 ,如:
The teacher asks the student to stand up. 老师叫那位同学站了起来。
Mother asks me to go home right away. 妈妈叫我马上回家。
2)Call sb. back回电话 call sb. 打电话给,也可说为:phone sb/ telephone sb/make a telephone to sb/give sb. a call。如:
They will call you= They will phone you.=They will make a telephone to you.
12. I beg your pardon?请再说一遍。
也可说为: Pardon? / your pardon?/ Beg your pardon? 读时用升调。如用降调,意为:“对不起”。
13. There is no Matthew here. 这儿没有马修。
there be某地有某物。如:
There is a book on the desk.有本书在课桌上。
There are some students in the classroom . 有一些学生在教室里。
There is a pen , two pencils in the pencil case.. 铅笔盒里有一支钢笔两支铅笔
There is a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里 有一点水。
14. Carrying water 提水,挑水。
1) 直接在动词词尾加,如:
collect--- collecting study--- studying
2) 词尾为不发音的结尾的单词,去掉不发音的,加;如:
prepare---preparing have ---having
3) 以重读闭音节结尾的单词,如果词尾只有一个辅音字母,双写其辅音字母,再加在,如:
sit—sitting forget ---forgetting
get --getting run---running
15. What are you doing? 他们在做什么?
这是一个现在进行时的特殊疑问句,现在进行时的构成:be+现在分词,表示正在做某事, 如:
We are listening to our English teacher. 我们正在听英语老师讲课。
They are having supper. 他们正在吃晚饭。
He’s singing.他在唱歌。 I am washing dishes.我在洗餐具。
16. have a picnic野餐 have 的短语还有:
have a look看一看 have a meeting 开会
have a drink of water喝水 have dinner 吃饭
have breakfast/lunch/ supper 吃早餐/午餐/晚餐
17 . Looking at the picture看图画
reading a book 看书
look at “看……..“表示看的动作; read: “阅读,朗读,看,”常表示看书,看报纸,如:
Don’t your books, please look at me 别看书,请看着我。
Look at the map, and read it. 看地图。
18. She’s playing the guitar. 她字弹吉他。
play the guitar弹吉他。通常在乐器的词前加,球类前不加;如:
play the piano弹钢琴 play basketball 打篮球
19. Maria is flying a kite玛丽娅在放风筝。 fly a kite放风筝
20. run after 追赶 run over to跑到
21. I am lonely 我很寂寞。
22. in the sun 在太阳下 the next day第二天
23. How happy they are! 他们多高兴啊!
感叹句。我们学过的还有:What a nice place!

I. 根据句子意思,填写所缺单词。(词首字母已给出。)
1.Let’s m________ a pan for the picnic.
2. ---Could I s________ to Sarah?
3. Sorry, he isn’t in. Can I take a m_____________?
4.I am sorry. You must have the w__________ number. This is 65911234.
5. ---What’s f_________ food? ---Chicken.
6. Let’s have a picnic this Sunday. ---Good i________..
7.We don’t go to school on S_____________ or Sundays.
8. They are having a picnic. How h_________ they are!
9. I want to buy something f_______ the picnic.
10. School is often o________ at about 5:00 in the afternoon.
II. .根据句子意思,用单词的适当形式填空。
1.Could you tell __________(we) about that?
2._Look! They are __________(sit) under the tree.
3.I’ll give ___________(he) the message
4.Are they ___________(read) English now?
5.We often __________(read) English in the morning.
6.Your classroom is big but __________(we) is small.
7.The dog is ____________(run) after her.
8.Can I ___________( have) a look at your pictures?
9.Look at those _____________(photo).
( )1. Please tell me ________ it.
A. on B. about C. in D. with
( )2. ---____________ ? --- I am having an English lesson.
A. What are you doing
B. What are you
C. What do you like
D. What would you like?
( )3. ---May I speak______ Jim? ---Sorry, he isn’t______.
A. to , on B.with, in C. /, in D.to, in
( )4.---Hello! Is_______ Jack speaking?
A. he B. this C.that D. you
( )5 I am _________ now.
A.shopping B. singging C.eating D. siting
( )6. Let’s discuss it ______ tomorrow morning.
A. on B. in C. this D. /
( )7. ----Hello! _______ Kangkang, Who’s that?
A. I am B.This is
C. That’s D. This’s
( )8.Could you ask her ___________ me back this afternoon?
A.call B. calls C.to call D.calling
( )9. ---What are they doing?--- They ___________.
A.have supper B.has lunch
C are.having a meeting D.having dinner
( )10.Let’s ________ swimming tomorrow.
A..go B.going C.to go D.goes
( )11. Please call her _______ 65556788.
A.to B.back C. at D. about
( )12.Don’t ________ in the sun.
A.look B. look at C.read D.reading
( )13. Jerry often __________ dishes at home.
A.is washing B.wash
C to wash D. washes
( )14.Why not go out for a picnic _________ Sunday morning?
A..in B./ C.on D.with

IV. 按要求改写句子。
1. He is singing in the classroom..(否定句)
He _________ __________ in the classroom.
2. We are collecting firewood. (一般疑问句)
______ you________ firewood?
3. Is Maria looking at the food? (肯定回答)
__________,________ ________.
4. Joy is carrying water.(就划线部分提问)
___________ ________ Joy _______?
5. You are welcome (同义句)
____________ _________ ___________.
6. Why not go swimming?. (同义句)
____________ go swimming.
7. Zhou Lan is eating an orange.. (就划线部分提问)
_________ __________ Zhou Lan ___________?
8. Is she singing(用reading连成选择疑问句)
Is she ________ __________ __________?
9. Matthew is looking at the pictures.. (就划线部分提问)
_________ is Matthew__________ _________?
10. Matthew is looking at the pictures.. (就划线部分提问)
_________ is Matthew__________ ?

V. 阅读对话,填写表格。
It’ s Sunday morning.
Jane : Hello, 6—5—6—4—4—5—8.
Ann: Hello. Could I speak to Kitty,please?
Jane: I am sorry ,she isn’t in . She goes out for shopping. This is Jane speaking. Can I take a message?
Ann: Yes, could you ask her to call me back this afternoon,please?
Jane: Sure. What’s your name, please?
Ann: Ann.
Jane: Can you spell it , please?
Ann: Yes. A---N---N, Ann.
Jane: What’s your phone number?
Ann: 68233668.
Jane: 6823368, right?
Ann: Right. Thanks a lot. Bye.
Jane: You are welcome.Bye!

Telephone Message

FROM:__________________ TO:_______________

Today is Sunday.

Topic III Let’s go to the zoo
1. 语言技能
1) 部分字母组合,如:igh的发音。辅音字母如:m,n, 的发音。
2) 询问对方的偏爱的动物的交际用语。
2)zoo, sound, animal, king, beautiful, tail, pick, banana, talk, laugh, have sports, have lessons, night, moon, baby, cry, walk , past, quarter, snow
3. 语言结构
1)---Let’s go to the zoo.
---Sounds great.
2)---What animal do you like best?/ What ‘s your favourite animal?
--- I like….
3)---How long do elephants live?
---About ….
3) ---How many hours…..?
--- Only….
4) ---What is the time?/ What time is it? Could you tell me the time?
---It’s…./ Sorry, I don’t have a watch.
5) ---It’s time to….
---OK. Let’s go.
3) 部分动词,固定搭配的用法。:如:It’s time to do sth./How many?How long的用法。
4) 时间的表达past/to的用法。

美国人爱养宠物的风气经久不衰,上至总统,下至平名百姓,多喜欢养宠物。据说, 在全美有5000万人养了猫,狗。美国人对宠物的服务可谓是尽善尽美,各地 大小超市必不可少的是狗食猫食专柜,为宠物服务的专门商店,宠物医院和宠物公墓等随处可见。逢年过节,若是给对方的宠物准备一份厚礼,对方一定会很开心。

1. 学以致用:询问同学偏爱的动物,进行情景交际对话。巩固所学。

2. 区别比较:两种时间表达法。
1. ---Let’s go to the zoo.我们去动物园吧.
---Sounds great. 听起来棒极了.
Sounds great.是It sounds great的省略句. Sound连系动词,可直接修饰形容词...
2---What animals do you like best? 你最喜欢什么动物?
--- I like elephants. 我最喜欢大象.
1)What animals do you like best? 也可说: What’s your favourite animal?
2)Like… best.如:
I like peacocks best.我最喜欢孔雀.
I like English best. 我最喜欢英语.
3. Maria and Kangkang are going to the zoo. 玛丽娅与康康要去动物园.
be going to do sth. 要做某事, 表示将要发生的事情.如:
They are going to have a picnic.
4. On the bus 在公共汽车上
5. They are talking about different animals in the zoo. They are too excited to see the animals.他们谈论着动物园里不同的动物.他们看见动物时很激动.
1) talk about谈论,如:They are talking about the weather.他们正在谈论天气. talk to/ talk with sb.与某人交谈;如:
She’s talking with/to her boy friend.她正与她的男朋友交谈.
2) be excited to do sth.做某事很兴奋.如:
We are glad to see you. 见到你我们很高兴.
She’s happy to see her mother. 见到妈妈她很高兴.
6. How long do elephants live?大象能或多久?
How long 多长时间,多长;如:
How long will you stay here? 你会呆在这儿多久?
How long is Nandu River? 南渡江有多长?
How long is your ruler? 你的尺子有多长?
7 . How many hours do elephants sleep at night?大象晚上睡几个小时?
how many “多少,几; “修饰不可数名词,how many+可数名词复数;如:
How many books do you have? 你有多少本书?
How many photos can you see?你能看到几张相片?
How many bags are there on the desk? 课桌上有几个书包?
how much”多少,多少钱,”修饰不可数名词; how much+ 不可数名词,如:
How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水?
注意:How much is this book?是什么意思呢?
8. .at night 在晚上
9. ---What time is it now? 现在几点了?
--- It’s six o’clock. 六点.
What time is it now?可说为: what’s the time? It’s six o’clock. 可说为:It’s six. 如:
It’s ten o’clock.=It’s ten..
10. It’s time to go home. 到时间回家了.
1)It’s time to do sth. “到……的时候了.是该做……了.”与It’s time for sth.同义.如:
It’s time to have breakfast. =It’s time for breakfast. 该吃早餐了.
2)It’s time for sb. to do sth. 某人该做某事了.如:
It’s time for us to go to bed..我们该上床睡觉了.
It’s time for you to go home. 我们该回家了
Time for supper. 该吃晚饭了。
Time to go to sleep. 该睡觉了。
11. It’s a five past one =It’s one-o-five. 一点五分.
It’s a quarter past one =It’s one fifteen.一点十五分(一点过一刻)
It’s half past one.=It’s one thirty.一点半
It’s twenty to two.= It’s one forty. 一点四十分
It’s a quarter to two. =It’s one forty-five一点四十五分(差一刻到两点)
一刻 时刻表达法有直接与间接表达两种.
4:10 four ten
12:50 twelve fifty
2:30 two thirty
2)间接表达.有两种情况; 半小时前用 pasr 意思为“过” 半小时后用to意思为”差”; 如:
4:10 ten past four (四点过十分)
4:15 a quarter past four (四点过一刻)
4;30 half past four
4:40 twenty to five (差二十分到五点)
4:45 a quarter to five (差一刻到五点)
It’s three o’clock.= It’s three.
It’s ten to ten. It’s ten past ten.
It’s a quarter past three. It’s a quarter to three.
12. Excuse me. 打搅,对不起
在学习运用英语曰常交际用语时,要注意英语的语言习惯和语言情景,不可只根据中文的意思使用。如,本话题所学的Excuse me中文可翻译为“对不起”,但它跟Sorry的“对不起”意义却很不一样:当我们的错误言行给别人带来麻烦时,我们的“对不起”是Sorry;而我们要打扰别人时的“对不起”则是Excuse me。
---Excuse me, where is the hospital? 请问,医院怎么走?
---I am sorry , I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道.
13. I have no watch.意为: I don’t have a watch. .No =not a或 not any;如:
She has no brothers.= She doesn’t have any brothers. 她没有兄弟.
14. Could you tell me the time, please?你能告诉我几点了吗?
Could you tell me…?你能告诉我……?
Could you tell me you phone number? 能告诉我你的电话号码吗?
15. Let me help you. 让我帮你.
Let him help us. 让他帮我们.
16. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?可说为What’s the matter with you? /What is the trouble with you? /What’s up?
17. I am lost. I can’t find my way home. 我迷路了.我找不到回家的路.
意思为”能够”,情态动词,应修饰动词原形:can +动词原形,如:
I can sing. 我能唱歌..
He can’t swim. 他不能游泳
18. It’s very kind of you to help us. 你太好了,能帮我们.
It’s kind of sb. to do sth. 致谢的一种表达方式.同义为:
It’s very nice of you to help us.
19. Could you please pass me a banana? 你能把香蕉递给我吗?
pass sb. sth. =pass sth to sb. 把某物递给某人,如:
Please pass me your book=Please pass your book to me.
give sb. sth.= Give sth to sb.

I. 根据句子意思,填写所缺单词。(词首字母已给出。)
1.We can see many a___________ in a zoo..
2. ---What t________ is it now? ---It’s six.
3. What’s w________ with you?
4.It’s half p________ five now.
5. It’s very k________ of you to help us.
6. We students have six l___________ a day..
7.There are twenty-four h__________ in a day.
8. P__________ have beautiful long tails.
9. The l________ is the king of all animals.
10. 12:45 is a q_________ to one.
II. .根据句子意思,用单词的适当形式填空。
1.Could you tell __________(we) your address?
2._How many ___________ (zoo ) are there in Haikou?
3.Jim’s sister ________(like) monkeys best.
4.It’s time ___________(go )to bed now.
5.Could you please pass this pen to __________(she)?
6.Let ___________(they) help us.
7.His cute cat is __________(lose)
8.You can’t _______(sing)here, the baby is sleeping.
9.I can see three ____________(baby) in the photo.
( )1. Sixty minutes is _______ hour.
A. an B. a C. / D. the
( )2. ---____________ --- Sounds great!
A. What about you?
B. Let’s go to the zoo.
C. What’s your favourite book?
D. What would you like?
( )3. They are talking ________ the film.
A. to B.with C. on D.about
( )4.Is it time _______ us to have supper?
A. to B. of C.for D. with
( )5 ____ the bus, they are talking and laughing.
A.on B. Under C.In D. On
( )6. ______is this pair of shoes?
A. How much B. How many C. How old D. How long
( )7. ----_________ do tigers live? ---Sorry ,I don’t know.
A. How much B. How many C. How old D. How long
( )8.Oh, it’s ten o’clock. It’s time _____________.
A.to go to bed B. to have supper
C.have luch D.to go to school.
( )9. ---_________What’s the time?
A.Sorry B.Excuse me
C Hi DI am sorry
( )10.---________ is Baby monkey’s home? ---It’s over there.
A..Which B.What C.Where D.Why
( )11. The dog is playing________ a ball.
A.to B.with C. at D. about
IV. 同义句互换.
1. It’s two.
It’s _________ ____________.
2. What time is it?
What ____________ __________ ____________?
3. What’ wrong?
What_________ __________?
4. It’s three thirty.
It’s____________ __________ three.
5. It’s time for lunch.
It’s time________ __________ lunch.
6.It’s a quarter past two.
It’s __________ ___________.
7. It’s a quarter to four.
It’s __________ ___________.
8. Please pass me the pen.
_________ the pen ________ __________,please.
V. 情景交际。根据上下文选择下列选项完成对话,其中两项为多余选项。
Mike: Are you free tomorrow?
Jane: I think so. What’s up?
Mike: _______1_________
Jane: Good idea.
Jane: I like elephants best. _______3________. But I don’t like tigers . They are dangerous.
Mike: What animal do you like, Jack?
Jack: I like lions. _______4_____. I don’t like monkeys. They are ugly. What about you, Mike?
Mike:I like peacocks ._____5________. But I don’t like bears.
Jane: OK. Let’s go and have a look at our favourite animals.

A. They are kind animals.
B. They are strong animals.
C: We are going to the zoo.
D. Let’s go to the zoo.
E. They have beautiful tails.
F. What animal do you like best?
G. What would you like?
1.__________ 2.___________ 3.__________ 4._________ 5.________
VI. 练笔时间.


 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 3 Section D课件(5份) 17-01-18

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 3 Section C课件(4份) 17-01-18

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 3 Section B课件(5份) 17-01-18

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 3 Section A课件(9份) 17-01-18

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 2 Section D课件(2份) 17-01-17

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 2 Section C课件(3份) 17-01-17

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 2 Section B课件(5份) 17-01-17

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 2 Section A课件(5份) 17-01-17

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 1 Section D课件(2份) 17-01-17

 仁爱版七年级英语上Unit4 topic 1 Section C课件(4份) 17-01-17


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