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  David McConnell was a door-to-door book salesman. Most of the housewives were not interested in his books. Usually before he had enough time to say anything about his books, the women closed their doors. But he didn't give up. McConnell decided to bring each of them a present, a small bottle of perfume(香水) he had made himself. He soon found that the women liked the perfume better than the books. He stopped selling books to sell perfume instead and started his own company 'Avon'.This company became a huge success.

  When you do nothing, you learn nothing, but when you try, even though you may not be successful, you will learn what doesn't work. This brings you closer to what will work. It doesn't matter how many times you are unsuccessful. What matters is that one day you will be successful.

  1. McConnell was a successful book salesman.

  2. McConnell hoped the women would buy his books if he brought them each a present.

  3. If you do nothing at all, you will never be successful.

  4. The women disliked the perfume even more than the books.

  5. The writer encourages us to keep on trying even if we are at first unsuccessful.



  I'll tell you a story about a Chinese student. The incident(事件) happened when he went to study in England. His family name was Sun. It is spelt S-U-N, just the same as the English word 'sun', the sun in the sky.

  England is a country with mixed weather. Sometimes it is cloudy or misty. Often it will rain. Many people think England doesn't get enough sunshine.

  When the Chinese student arrived at London Airport, a customs(海关) officer checked his passport(护照). The customs officer was interested to find the Chinese name 'Sun' in his passport. He thought it was pronounced just like the English word 'sun', so he said to the Chinese student, 'I see your name is Sun. You are wanted here.' What a surprise it was to Mr. Sun to hear that! Everybody knows that if you are wanted by the police, you must have broken the law(法律). Mr. Sun asked the customs officer,'Is there something wrong with my passport? Do I have to go back to China?''Go back?' said the customs officer. 'Now that(既然) you are here, we'll never let you leave.'

  'Why? What have I done?' asked the Chinese student in surprise. He thought he was going to be arrested(被捕).

  It was only then that the customs officer began to smile.

  He said, 'You don't know what you have done, Mr. Sun? You've brought sunshine to England. That's why we don't want you to leave.'

  1. This story took place______.

  A. at London Airport B. at a university

  C. in the street  D. at a station

  2. Why people in England want to see more of the sun? Because______.

  A. England is a country with mixed weather

  B. England doesn't get enough sunshine

  C. it doesn't rain in England   D. both A and B

  3. Mr. Sun was very______when he heard that he was wanted.

  A. angry B. happy

  C. surprised D. moved

  4. Why did the customs officer tell Mr. Sun he couldn't leave? Because______.

  A. Mr. Sun had broken the law

  B. The customs officer and Mr. Sun were friends

  C. Englishmen are never named 'Sun'

  D. The customs officer liked Mr. Sun's family name and thought Mr. Sun would bring sunshine to England

  5. Which of the following statements is correct?

  A. The customs officer arrested Mr. Sun.

  B. Mr. Sun stayed in England and studied there.

  C. Mr. Sun knew he had broken the law.

  D. Mr. Sun left England.



  Yao Ming, the centre for the Chinese National Men's Basketball Team, went to play for the Houston Rockets in 2002. The 2.26m, 120kg centre becomes the first player to come from a foreign team.

  Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September 1980. His mother was a centre and captain of the Chinese National Women's Team. His father played basketball, too.

  Yao Ming is widely known in China. He came to be a very important basketball player in the China Basketball Association(联赛)(CBA) . During the 2000-2001 season, he averaged 27.1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental(东方) Sharks in every match.

  Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in November 2002. He said this was a new phase(阶段) of his basketball life. He would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve his game.

  Sports analyst(分析家) Bill Walton said, 'Yao Ming has the potential(潜力) and the capability(能力) of changing the future of basketball.'

  1. The Houston Rockets is the name of a ______team.

  A. table tennis B. volleyball

  C. basketball D. golf

  2. Both Yao Ming's father and mother were ______.

  A. football players B. basketball players

  C. centres of the Chinese National Team

  D. captains of the Chinese National Team

  3. Yao Ming______during the 2000-2001 season.

  A. does well B. is bad

  C. was poor D. did very well

  4. Yao Ming______the Houston Rockets in November 2002.

  A. did his best to join

  B. was well-known in

  C. became a member of

  D. took part in

  5. Sports analyst Bill Walton thought Yao Ming had the potential to______.

  A. learn from the NBA

  B. change the future of basketball

  C. improve his game

  D. become the captain of the Houston Rockets



  There was a schoolboy, named Dennis. One day his mother told him to post a letter.

  Dennis put the letter in his pocket and walked down the street in a hurry. He did not see a letter-box on the street. Instead he saw a bin with the words: 'PUT YOUR LITTER IN THE BIN 'on it. Dennis took a look at the words, thought them over and said, 'I can read, but they can't write. This spelling is poor. They can't spell the word 'letter' correctly.'

  Dennis put the letter in the bin. Then he ran home and told his mother about it.

  'Oh, no, child!' said his mother. 'You put the letter in a litter bin. A litter bin is for waste paper and other waste things.'

  'Oh,' said Dennis in surprise. 'Does the word on the bin mean something?'

  'Yes, it does,' said his mother. 'The word on the bin is 'litter', not 'letter'. Now go and get the letter back and post it.'

  Dennis ran all the way to the litter bin. He got there just as a truck pulled up(停下) at the bin. A man was putting the waste paper into the truck.

  'Stop!' Dennis called out. Then he told the man what he had done.

  'All right, I'll help you look for the letter,' said the man.

  They looked for the letter, but they could not find it. Just then some paper blew out of the truck. Dennis chased after it at once.

  'Aha, I've got it at last!' Dennis cried. 'Thank you for your help.'

  'Glad to help,' said the man. 'Be sure not to put your letter into a litter bin again.'

  'No, I won't.'

  Then Dennis walked down the street and put the letter into a letter-box. 'Why don't the teachers teach us all the words at school?' he said to himself. 'Then I wouldn't put a letter into a litter bin.'

  1. There was a______ ______Dennis.

  2. One day his mother______ him ______ ______a letter.

  3. A litter bin is______ ______ ______ waste paper and other waste things in.

  4. 'Does the word on the basket mean something?' Dennis______his mother in ______.

  5. In the______, he______a letter-box and______the letter.



  What is the 'cleverest' machine in history? If you're anything like nine out of ten people in the world, you'll say it's a computer, a machine with mathematical logic(数学逻辑) that can reason(推理) in the same way as humans.

  Alan Mathison Turing never expected to be the father of a machine with such a title.

  He was born in London in 1912, the second of his parents' two sons. His parents worked in India while Turing and his brother spent their childhoods in Britain.

  Turing's loneliness during this time may have led to his lifelong interest in how the human mind works. He believed that the mind creates its own world when the real world is not acceptable to it. At 13, he already showed a talent for(显示……方面的才能) mathematics. He wasn't perfect though. His teachers said his work was hard to read.

  After graduating from Cambridge University, he remained there as a teacher. At that time, his interest in the human mind led him to draw a machine.

  In 1937, Turing wrote a report about his machine. However, few people understood what he was talking about. But the report changed Turing's whole life. After the start of World War II, the British Government ordered him to serve in a special department. The task(任务) of all those working there was to break codes used by the Nazis(纳粹).

  Turing's talent shone in this top-secret work. He played a major role in designing an early computer-like machine that could decipher(破译) Nazi codes at high speed. After the war, he returned to Cambridge, and built a machine based on his ideas from 1937.

  1. Where does Alan Mathison Turing come from?


  2. What did Turing do in 1937?


  3. What does the sentence 'If you're anything like nine out of ten people in the world' mean? (in Chinese)


  4. What was Turing interested in after he graduated from university?


  5. What could the machine Turing helped to design do during World War II?




  One day Tony was crossing the road when he was hit by a car. He fell and broke his arm.

  An ambulance(救护车) soon arrived and took Tony to a hospital. There a doctor operated on his arm. Then he put the arm in a cast(石膏). Tony could not move it at all.

  'You must keep your arm in a cast for six weeks,' the doctor said. 'That will give the broken bone a chance to heal(复原).'

  At the end of six weeks Tony went back to the hospital. The doctor used a large saw(锯) to cut the cast. Then he took Tony's arm out of the cast.

  'Can you move your arm, Tony?' he asked.

  Tony tried. At first it was difficult, but soon he could move it easily.

  'Yes, it's fine,' he said. 'Thank you very much.'

  'In a few days it will be as good as before,' the doctor said. 'Just exercise it a little.'

  'Will I be able to play the guitar?'Tony asked.

  The doctor smiled, 'Of course you will,' he said. 'You'll have no problems.'

  'That is good news,' Tony said. 'because I couldn't play it at all before.'

  Tony's arm was(1)________in an accident. He had to keep it in a(2)________for(3)________weeks. When the doctor told him it had mended, he asked(4)______he would be able to play(5)________guitar. The doctor said 'yes' but he didn't know that Tony could not play that before.



  On the first day of school, Roni's foreign students fill out forms and give information about themselves.

  Name: Claude Ansari Country: France Native Language: Arabic/French Time in U.S.: 10 months Please tell me a little about yourself. Family: I live with my wife and 2-year-old daughter. Work: I was an art school student in France. Now, I'm working as a cook. Interests: I love to cook (and eat). I also like to go mountain climbing.

  Name: Su Chenwang Country: Taiwan (China) Native Language: Chinese Time in U.S.: 4 years Please tell me a little about yourself. Family: I have 3 sons and 2 daughters. They're all attending school(上学) here. My husband is a businessman﹠lives in Taiwan. Work: I was a maths teacher but now I'm a housewife. Interests: I like indoor activities: reading, listening to music, drawing.                                    Name: Norma Ruiz Country: Guatemala Native Language: Spanish Time in U.S.: 2 years Please tell me a little about yourself. Family: My family-my mother and 4 brothers live in Guatemala. I'm here by myself. Work: I worked as a nurse in my country. Here I'm a tailor. Interests: I like to go to the movies and buy videos. I love to study.

  1. Su Chenwang has______children.

  A. two B. three C. four D. five

  2. Who has lived in America for the shortest time?

  A. Claude Ansari. B. Norma's mother.

  C. Su Chenwang. D. Norma Ruiz.

  3. ______worked in a hospital a few years ago.

  A. Claude Ansari B. Su Chenwang

  C. Norma Ruiz D. Su Chenwang's husband

  4. Su Chenwang's children are attending school in______.

  A. France B. the U.S

  C. Taiwan D. Guatemala

  5. These three people may______together.

  A. go mountain climbing

  B. listen to music

  C. go to movies

  D. study in the same class



  Mr. White worked in London. He was a famous scientist. He was interested in nothing except his work. He forgot everything else when he was working.

  One afternoon he received a telephone call: his only son had been knocked down by a car in Paris. The young man's leg was seriously hurt and he had to be taken to hospital. Mrs. White was worried and asked her husband to go there with her to see him at once. The scientist was busy with his work, so he made quite a few excuses, but it only made her angry. Finally he agreed to leave for Paris with her. Their flight number was BA 347.

  They arrived at the hospital in the evening. A friend of their son's asked, 'When did you start your journey, Mr. White?'

  'At half past five,' answered Mr. White.

  'Today or yesterday?'

  'What's the date today?'

  'July 3.'

  'Oh, I remember,' said Mr. White, 'We started out this afternoon.'

  'How did you come here, by air or by sea?''I don't know,' answered Mr. White. 'You'd better ask my wife. She always arranges(安排) these things.'


  1. A famous scientist called Mr. White ______.

  2. Mr. White received a telephone call ____.

  3. Mrs. White was worried about her son and______.

  4. Mr. White was busy with his work ____.

  5. Finally Mr. White agreed to leave London and______.


  A. and made quite a few excuses of why he could not go

  B. asked her husband to go to Paris with her

  C. go to Paris with his wife

  D. telling him his son had been knocked down by a car

  E. was only interested in his work



  Scientists are trying to turn deserts into land that can be used again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so that people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about deserts. __1__. Scientists may not be able to change the deserts in time.

  Why is more and more land becoming desert? Scientists think that people make deserts. __2__.

  Some places on the earth don't get very much rain. But they still don't become deserts. __3__. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places. __4__. Plants stop the wind blowing the soil away. When a little bit of rain falls, the plants retain(保留;保持) the water. __5__.

  A. They don't take care of the environment properly.

  B. Plants prevent the hot sun from making the earth even drier.

  C. This is because plants grow there.

  D. Without plants, a desert is formed much more easily.

  E. But more and more of the land is becoming desert.

  6. Deserts______.

  A. get very little rain

  B. contain no life

  C. can easily be turned into land that can be used by people

  D. both A and C

  7. Small green plants are very important to dry places because______.




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