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上传者:   加入日期:06-06-15


1. Well known for his expert advice, he was able to help a __________ of people with their personal affairs.

A. dozen                                                       B. great deal

C. many                                                          D. number

2. We had plenty of paper but __________  ink.

A. few                                                            B. a few

C. not many                                                     D. not much

3. —Do you think he’ll succeed?

—Well, he’s helped by many people and what’s more, he works extremely hard, so he’ll __________ succeed.

A. perhaps                                                      B. possibly

C. likely                                                          D. probably

4. The road to the mountains __________  by the snow for almost a month.

A. has been cut off                                          B. have been cut off

C. has been cut down                                      D. have been cut down

5. They bought me __________ chocolate on their way to my home.

A. a set of                                                       B. a drop of

C. a bar of                                                      D. a block of

6. An ant has two __________.

A. legs                                                            B. bodies

C. stomaches                                                   D. stomachs

7. The doctor ordered him a __________ without sugar.

A. food                                                           B. diet

C. dish                                                           D. meal

资料名称: 高一英语(下)复习资料-练习(人教版)
文件大小: 535K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 高一英语(下)复习资料
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