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仁爱版8年级下 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A练习
上传者:   加入日期:06-06-17

仁爱版8年级   Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A 练习


1 What _____ ( seem ) to be the problem ?

2 She seems so sad and ___ ( happy )

3 He is ____ ( surprise ) at the result.

4 Maria is anxious about ___ ( wait ) in line for a long time.

5 Jane is angry at ____ ( other ) mistakes.


1 My father ___ ___ ___ ( 对。。。感到满意) my good results at school.

2 She is worried . I think I should ___ ___ ____ ( 谈话) with her .

3We should help others ____ _____ (需要 ) .

4 The students _____ ____ ____ (对。。厌倦 )  Mr Li’s class.

5 Our math teacher is very patient and explains things to us ___  ___  ____  ___ ( 一次又一次)


1 Is there ___ wrong ?

A anything  B something  C nothing

2 She doesn’t know what _____.

A do  B to do  C doing

3 Does that ___ you ?

A surprised  B surprising  C surprise

4 Is your grandma worried ___ her health ?

A in  B on  C about

5 Li Ming is very tired ____ too much homework.

A with  B of  C at

6 I didn’t do my homework . My father is ____ with it.

A angry  B pleased  C satisfied

7 My teacher is ____and ___, he explains things to us over and over again.

A strict, patient  B strict, funny  C patient, bored

8 What ____ the boys ___ ?

A are, likes  B is, like  C are ,like

根据对话内容, 从所提供的选项中选择最佳项完成对话。

A: Hello , Uncle Wang!

B: Hello, Tom, ___ You look so worried.

A:  2  I really need your help.

B: What do you mean?

A: Well,  3 But my parents want me to play basketball because I’m in Grade Nine now.

B: Maybe your parents are right.  4 .

A: I see. I do well in all my lesson and I want to do thethings I am interested in.

B: OK.  5  .

A: Thank you , Uncle Wang. It’s very nice of you.

A: Work must comefirst.

B I’ll talk with your parents about the problem.

C My parents like me to play basketball.

F I have a problem.

G You may ask your parents to buy you a basketball.

1 ____  2 ____  3 ____  4 _____  5 ____


Mr Smith and Mr Green work in the same office. One day Mr Smith said to Mr Green. “ We’re going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come? “

Mr Green said , “ Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you. We’re free that evening, I think . I’ll telephone my wife and ask my wife . Maybe she wants to go somewhere that evening.”  So Mr Green went to the other room and telephoned his wife. When he came back , he looked very surprised .

“ What’s the matter?” asked Mr Smith,” Did you ask your wife?”

“No,” answered Mr Green,” She wasn’t there. My small son answered the telephone . I said to him, ‘Is your mother there, David?’ And he answered, ‘No, she isn’t in the garden’.’ Where is she then?’ I asked, ‘She is in the garden’, ’What is she doing’ I asked again, ‘She is looking for me’, my son answered.”


1 Mr Smith asked Mr Green ______.

A to go to the party in their office.

B to have a small party in their office

C to come to the small party in his house.

2 Mr Green _____.

A didn’t want to go to the party.

B would like to go to the party with his wife.

C would like to go to the party with his son.

3 Mr Green telephoned his wife because _____.

A he wanted to know where his son was.

B he wanted to know if she was going to her friend’s house.

C he wanted her to her ready for the party.

4 Mr Green told Mr Smith _____.

A there was something wrong with the telephone.

B no one answered the telephone.

C David answered the telephone.

5 Mrs Green ___ in the garden.

A was working.

B was looking for her husband.

C was looking for her son.

答案: 1 seems /seemed  2 unhappy  3 surprised  4 waiting  5 others’

1 is pleased with  2 have a talk  3 in need  4 are bored with  5 over and over again.

1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 A 8 A

1 D 2 F 3 E 4 A 5 B

1 C 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 C



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