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I. 翻译下列单词或词组
  1. 令人沮丧的________         2. 背诵、记忆________  3. 出声地、高声地________        4. 发音(v.________
解决方法________         6. 根本不________    7. 结束做某事________         8. 犯错________
害怕做某事________         10. 说本族语的人________  11. 笑话某人________         12. 做笔记________
喜欢、乐意做某事________          14. 组成、构成________
  1. study , How , you , do , for , test a
   ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ?
  2. by study listening to , I , cassettes
  3. you , do , by , learn , reading , English , aloud
  4. should , find , you , pen pal a
  5. can
t , a lot of , I , new , words , memorize

  1. by memorizing the words of pop songs
  2. by reading English magazines
  3. by using English
  4. by studying grammar
  5. by watching English movies
  6. by joining the English club at school
  7. by having conversations with friends

    Reasons :
    A. because we can practice more and study English well.
    B. because the native speakers speak too quickly .
    C. because it is a great way to learn sentence structures.
    D. because we can get lots of practice and also have fun .
    E. because it is the best way to learn new words
    F. because we get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese
    G. because it can help us learn new words

资料名称: 新目标九年级unit1同步达纲练习
文件大小: 8K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 新目标九年级unit1
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 新目标九年级Unit11 Section A课件ppt 12-01-10

 新目标九年级Unit11 Reading课件ppt 12-01-10


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