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牛津7B Unit2 Homework for Grammar
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7B Unit 2 Homework for Grammar
一、用(all, some, any, mo, none, not, many, much)填空,每词只能用一次:
A  1. There’s       beef in the fridge now. We don’t need to buy      this week.
   2. There’re       wooden houses over the river in his hometown, but there’s       on the hill.
   3. Today we have      homework to do.
4. Would you like to drink       orange juice after lunch?
5.      the teachers are friendly and helpful to us , we are happy.
6. There is      any light in the room, so we need a lamp.
B.  1. The boy talks too       but does little. It’s not good for him.
    2. Do you want       more rice? Oh, thanks I’m full.
3.      of us in our class learn English at school,      of us knows French.
4. He did       have anything new to tell us yesterday?
5. Do they have       questions about it?
6. We have       chips and much beef at the party.
7.      stories can be more interesting than that.
1.       My mother bought five kilos of eggs yesterday.(对划线部分提问)
2.       There’s something in the carton there, too.(否定句)
3.       There’re two bottles of coffee on the table. (对划线部分提问)
4.       He drinks a cup of tea after supper every day. (对划线部分提问)
5.       He has only one pencil in his pencil box.(同义句)
There are                  in his pencil box.
6.       It is five minutes’ walk from his home to school. (对划线部分提问)
7.       The new bridge is about 400 metres long. (对划线部分提问)
8.       My cousin becomes 1.78 metres tall now. (对划线部分提问)

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