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牛津7B Unit2 课堂练习(p26)
上传者:   加入日期:07-05-11

1. A h________ is a place to go if you are ill.   2. A s________ is a place to study and learn.
3. A s________ is a place you can buy food and drinks.   4. A c________ works in a supermarket.
5. A w________ and a c________ work in a restaurant.    6. A d________ and a n________ work in a school.
  1. His father is a waiter.   ________ ________ his father? = ________ ________his father________?  
  2. They enjoy sports. We can take them to the sports center. (if连接) 
______ they enjoy sports, ______ can take them to the sports center.
  3. Her sister works in a shopping mall.(一般疑问句)  ________ her sister ________ in a shopping mall?
  4. His brother studies in Sunshine Secondary School.(否定句) 
His brother _________ ________ in Sunshine Secondary School.
  5. I went to bed after I finished my homework.(同义句) 
I ________ ________ to bed ________ I finished my homework.
1. Where ________ your sister ________(teach) English?      
2. My grandpa ________(come) tonight.
  3. Tell him ________ (not look) out of the window.           
4. We won’t go to Nanjing if it ________(rain) tomorrow.
  5. He finished ________(read) the book and passed it to her.    
6. It’s very important ________(learn) all the subjects well.
  7. I spend much time________(do) my homework every day.   
8. There’s a watch ________(lie) on the ground.
  9. We ________(see) Beijing Opera at the local theater last night.
10.It took me two hours ________(work) out this maths problem.

资料名称: 牛津7B Unit2 课堂练习(p26)
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版本年级: 牛津7BUnit2
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