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牛津7B Unit1—3练习
上传者:   加入日期:07-05-11

I. Spot dictation (10%)
Madee is from 1           . She now lives in Sandy’s home. She enjoys every day here. On weekdays, she goes to school as Chinese students do. On weekends, she often plays 2            with her Chinese friends and sometimes, they have a      3             or a picnic in Sunshine Park. Today, Madee is not going to the park as usual. She is going to the 4                center 5            . Yesterday’s evening news said there would be some 6             there. Madee is interested in Chinese works of art. She wants to enjoy the excellent Chinese 7          and paintings on display. If she is lucky enough, she may find some wonderful 8          , too. After that, she is going to the shopping mall 9           . She wants to choose some 10           for her family and friends back home. 
II. Vocabulary  15%
A.     Finish off the sentences  6%
1.--- Do you know the n______________ month of a year?
--- It’s September, of course.
2.C______________ is a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a bank, shop or hotel.
3.When the bell rings at 12 o’clock, all the students rush to our d______________ hall.
4.--- Your head teacher will be away for a week. Who will be in charge (负责)  of your class then?
--- Our m______________ will.
5.We were talking on the phone happily. S______________ the line went dead.
6.Walk s______________ on when you come to a c______________.

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版本年级: 牛津7BUnit1
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