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上传者:hajkex   加入日期:07-05-15

Mr. King lived in a small town, but he has a job in a big city, so he moved there with his wife and his children last Tuesday.
On that day Mr. King took his new car out of the garage(车床) and washed it. A neighbour(邻居) came and looked at the new car for a minute. Then Mr. King turned and saw him.
“That's a new car. Is it yours?”The neighbour asked.
“Sometimes,”Mr. King answered.
The neighbour was surprised.“Sometimes?”he said.“What do you mean?”
“Well,”answered Mr. King slowly,“when there's a party in town, it's my daughter's. Where there's a football game, it belongs to(属于) my son. When I washes it and it looks very nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas(汽油),it's mine.”
(    )1.There are          people in the story.
        A.three           B.four            C.six             D.five
(    )2.Mr. King worked in         .
        A.a small town    B.a big city      C.the garage      D.the gas atation
(    )3.When Mr. King was washing the new car, his neighbour came to ask him      .
        A.if(是否) the car is new           B.what car it is
        C.if the car is Mr. King's          D.how much is the car
(    )4.“Sometimes”in the story means that        .
        A.when there is a party in town, the car belongs to his daughter.
        B.when there is a football game, it is his son's.
        C.when the car looks nice and clean, it's his wife's.
        D.when the car wants gas, it belongs to him.
Today is Thursday. Weekend is coming. The weather forecast says the weather will be nice on weekend. So my family is going to go on an outing this Saturday. We like climbing very much. It's good for our health. On Sunday, we will see a puppet show at two thirty in the afternoon. Then we are going to KFC for our supper. I like chips and hamburgers. What a wonderful weekend!
(    )1.It will be windy this weekend.
(    )2.Climbing is a healthy sport.
(    )3.We will see a puppet show on Sunday.
(    )4.Before the puppet show, we will go to KFC.

资料名称: 牛津小学英语六年级(6B)单元自测六
文件大小: 327K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津6BUnit3
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