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牛津7B Unit3 英语周练试题
上传者:dfwsh   加入日期:07-05-17

Name ________ Class________Number________ Mark_______
(      )1.She is afraid __________ out at night.
A. going          B. go              C. to go          D. goes
(      )2. How does Emily get to school? She _______ the bus.
      A. takes          B. by              C. catch         D. on
(      )3. They feel tired, so they stop_______ a rest(休息).
      A. having        B. to have       C. have          D. has
(      )4. I’m ______at the _______ news.
       A. surprised, surprised          B. surprised, surprising
       B. surprising, surprising        D. surprising, surprised
(      )5. Let me help her walk ________ the road.
       A. across        B. through      C. over           D. past
(      )6. Be careful when you ______ the road.
       A. cross         B. across        C. crossing     D. acrossing
(      )7. Mr Lee ______ for Shanghai next week.
       A. leaves        B. is leaving    C. is leave       D. will leaves
(      )8. You have lots of CDs, but I have_______.
       A. no             B. not             C. no one              D. none
(      )9. These trees are ________ high.      A. little    B. more   C. much  D. so
(      )10. Stop ______ and ______ to me.
       A. talking, listen                   B. talking, to listen
       C. to talk, listen                    D. to talk, to listen
(      )11. There’re trees on _______ sides of the street. A. both  B. each    C. every  D. all
(      )12. I don’t like this shirt. Would you please show me________?
       A. other          B. the other     C. the others   D. another
(      )13. Jack, with his friends, ________ see Mr Li tomorrow.
       A. is going to  B. are going to       C. go to          D. will goes
(      )14. There _______ a welcome party for the exchange students next week.
       A. has            B. is going to have  C. is going to be     D. will have
(      )15. The nearest hotel is 500 metres __________.
      A. far             B. far away            C. away         D. far away from

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