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牛津3B Uint 9 练习三
上传者:   加入日期:07-05-31

Uint 9 练习三   姓名___________
(    )1.sh__t       A.ri     B.ir     C.er
(    )2.tr___sers    A.ou     B.ow   C.uo
(    )3.v__st       A.a      B.o     C.e
(    )4.b__t        A.le      B.el    C.al
(    )5.mu___      A.sh      B.ch    C.th
(    )Can I help you?                 A.Three.
(    )What colour?                   B.It’s in the study.
(    )How much is it?                C.It’s nice.
(    )Here you are.                   D.A vest,please.
(    )What about the red one?          E.Sounds good.
(    )Where’s the camera?             F.Blue.
(    )What about some juice?          G.Ten yuan.
(    )How many cars can you see?      H.Than you.
(    )1.What coloue is it?    A.It’s her coat.
B.It’s red.                 C.It’s nice.
(    )2.How much is it?       A.Ten yuan,please.
B.Here you are.               C.It’s four o’clock.
(    )3.What’s the time?        A.It’s a cap.
B.It’s twelve o’clock.           C.This is my sister.
(    )4.Who’s he?            A.He’s my aunt.
B.He’s my uncle.               C.This is my mother.
(    )5.Can I help you? A.Yes,please.B.Yes,it’s nice.C.White.


 牛津3B Uint 9 练习一 07-05-31

 牛津3B Uint 9 练习二 07-05-31


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