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牛津3B Unit 8 练习三
上传者:   加入日期:07-05-31

Unit 8 练习三    姓名__________
(     )1.A:I’m ____,Dad.What would you like? B:I’d like a hot dog.
A.thirsty       B.hungry       C.hot
(     )2.I’m _____.What about soft drinks?Sounds good.
A.thirsty        B.hungry       C.cold
(     )3.What about ______rice?Yes,please.
A.a            B.an           C.some
(     )4.What _____ you like?I’d like a cup of tea.
A.do           B.would         C.are
(     )5.__________?No,I’d like a glass of milk.
A.Aglass of milk  B.A glass of juice  C.A glass of coffee
(     )6.What’s the time?It’s two________.
A.a’clock        B.o’clock         C.clock
(     )7.What about ______ orange juice?Yes,please.
A./             B.a              C.an
(     )8._____ is the boy?___ in the bedroom.
A.Where;She’s       B.Who;He’s    C.Where;He’s
(     )9.______ is the woman?She is my mother.
A.Who           B.What         C.Where
(     )10.Time to go ____ home.
A.to             B./             C.to the
(     )11._______she?She’s in the bedroom
A.Where           B.What         C.Where’s


 泽林牛津版三年级下Unit8单元检测试卷(A)及答案(pdf版) 18-03-21

 牛津3B Unit8课件ppt 12-04-28

 3B Unit8 I’m hungry课件ppt 12-04-28

 3B Unit8 I’m hungry练习题 12-04-25

 牛津3B Unit8 I’m hungry教案(表格式) 12-02-01

 牛津3B Unit7-Unit8单元测试卷 11-07-07

 牛津小学英语3B Unit8单元测试题 11-05-30

 3B Unit8 I’m hungry电子教案 10-05-10

 无锡查桥中心小学英语3B Unit8练习试卷 10-05-10

 无锡查桥中心小学3B Unit8(第四课时)教案 10-05-10


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