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牛津小学英语4A Unit 6—10 复习题
上传者:   加入日期:07-06-02

Where,  Whose,  Who,  What time,  What,  How,  What’s
1.                 shoes are these? They’re Nancy’s.
2.                 are you? Fine, thank you.
3.               is this in English? It’s an umbrella.
4.                is the book? It’s on the desk..
5.                do you go to school? At seven forty.
6.                is she? She is my sister.
7.                nine and eleven? It’s twenty.
worry,  have,  look,  see,  go,  read,  close,  draw,  come,  try
1.       It’s seven o’clock. It’s time to         home.
2.       Open your books. Don’t         your books.
3.       A: Can you          a look?
B: Sure! Here you are.
4.                 you in the afternoon.
5.       A:          at my dress.
B: It’s pretty, but it’s too long.
6.       The jacket is too big.         this one on.
7.       Don’t          on your desk.
8.       Stand up, Mike.           the new words.
9.       A: My sister is hungry.
B: Don’t          ! Here’s a hamburger for her.
   10.           here, Helen. Is this your ruler?

资料名称: 牛津小学英语4A Unit 6—10 复习题
文件大小: 7K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津4A复习题
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