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牛津8B Unit3 reading 公开课教案
上传者:appletree   加入日期:07-06-05

A Teaching Plan
------ By An Ping
Time :    May 27th, 2007
Place :    Multimedia classroom
Subject :  Unit3 Online travel (reading)
         Around the world in eight hours
Aims and demands :
Ø        Learn something about the new educational CD-ROM
Ø        Learn some reading skills
Teaching procedure :
  Step 1 Greeting
  Step 2 Revision  ( What do you use your computer for ?)
  Step 3 Lead in
Ø        Do you like traveling ?  
Ø        Where have you been ?   
Ø        How can you go there ?
  Step 4 New words
  Step 5 Read silently and answer
Ø        What’s the name of the new educational CD-ROM ?
Ø        Who is the designer?
Ø        How many levels does the game have?
Ø        Where can we buy the CD-ROM ?
  Step 6 Listen and judge
Ø        Listen to the tape and finish C1 on page 44
  Step 7 Read from the second line to the tenth and finish the following table
  Step 8 Read freely from the eleventh line to the end and answer
Ø        What did Itchy Feet see on his screen?
Ø        What will happen if you get enough points?
Ø        How long will it take you to finish each level?
Ø        What will you see when you pass a level?
  Step 9 practice
  Step 10 Homework


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