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The office has always been a place to get ahead. Unfortunately, it is also a place where a lot of natural resources start to fall behind. Take a look around next time you’re at work. See how many lights are left on when people leave. See how much paper is being wasted, how much electricity is being used to run computers that are left on. Look at how much water is being wasted in the restrooms. And how much solid waste is being thrown out in the rubbish cans. We bet(打赌) it’s a lot.
Now, here are some simple ways you can produce less waste at work. When you are at the copier(复印机), only make the copies you need. Use both sides of the paper when writing something less important. Turn off your lights when you leave. Use a lower watt bulb in your lamp. Drink your coffee or tea out of your mugs instead of single-use cups. Set up a recycling box for cans and one for bottles. And when you’re in the bathroom brushing your teeth or washing your face, don’t let the tap(自来水) run. Remember, if we use fewer resources today, we’ll save more for tomorrow.
56. The main purpose of the passage is to tell people        .
   A. to save resources when working in an office    
B. the waste produced in an office
C. the disadvantages of working in an office      
D. how to save water in a restroom
57. How many kinds of waste are mentioned in the passage?
   A. none            B. two          C. three          D. four
58. From the passage we can infer that in the office        .
   A. using computers is a waste of resource
   B. many people don’t turn off the computers after using them
   C. computers are run by electricity
   D. a computer is not a must for working
59. It is suggested that we use both sides of the paper at the copier because        .
   A. we are short of paper               B. the printing is not important
   C. we should save paper               D. we have to pay for the paper
60. The underlined word “mugs” is most likely to be        .
   A. a machine that makes coffee        
B. a container that can be used again and again
C. a paper product for tea
D. something that can only be found in an office

资料名称: 四川省苍溪中学校2007年高一下英语第二学段考试
文件大小: 27K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 人教版高一下月考试卷
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