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上传者:   加入日期:07-06-22

1.    You _________show your ticket unless the conductor asks for it.
A. can’t              B. needn’t          C. shouldn’t             D. mustn’t
2.    Let’s go and have a look at the posters there, _________?
A. will you           B. shall  you        C. will we            D. shall we
3.    Let me have a look at the photos you took, __________?
A. will you           B. shall  you        C. will we            D. shall we
4.    That boy ________ be a native English speaker, he speaks English with a strong Indian accent.
A. can’t              B. needn’t          C. shouldn’t      D. mustn’t
5.    The new stadium _________ hold more than 10,000 people.
A. is able to        B. can                 C. could              D. was able to
6.    --Must I finish all the work before Sunday?
--No, you ______.
A. can’t              B. needn’t          C. don’t            D. mustn’t
7.    How _______ be so mean to me?

资料名称: 牛津高中英语模块四复习(1)练习
文件大小: 14K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津必修模块4复习试卷
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 牛津高中英语模块四复习(2)练习[答案] 07-06-22


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