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冀教版八年级下 阅读理解 专项训练
上传者:jiashengliu[原创]   加入日期:07-08-01

Kate and Peter like sports. In summer they swim and in winter they skate. They are planning a skate trip for this weekend, but they don’t know about the weather. It’s 7:30 now and they are listening to the weather report on the radio. The weather is giving the weather for the weekend.
“Friday is going to be cold and cloudy, but it’s not going to rain. The temperature is going to be below zero. It’s going to snow on Friday evening. Saturday and Sunday are going to be cold and sunny.”
Now Kate and Peter are happy. The weather is going to be very nice for a skate trip. They are going to have a gook time on the hills.

资料名称: 冀教版八年级下 阅读理解 专项训练
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版本年级: 冀教版八年级下阅读理解
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