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牛津8BUnit5Comic strip & Welcome to the unit课堂练习
上传者:逍遥若仙[原创]   加入日期:07-09-07

8Bunit5Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
 1.Mr Wu is always k         (friendly, nice) to me.
 2.I usually buy books with the p        (bags in the clothes) money.
 3.We would like the better health c        .
 4.English is an i            language.
 5.I have only one ticket          (剩下)
 6.I’m sure you’ll be successful             (以后).
 7.Tom is ill. The teacher          (带)her to hospital.
 8.Now people are used to           (献)blood (血)for the sick people.
 9.Don’t w           .I will help you.
 10.An                (国际的) meeting will be held in Beijing next month.

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