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上传者:   加入日期:07-10-04

Two brothers go f_____ with a dog. After they come n___ the river, they put their caps on a big stone(石头) and go to the bank(岸) of the river to look for fish. It’s c____, and soon they want to w___ the caps. They tell the dog to go b____ for them.
The dog goes there and tries to take the two caps in his mouth. It’s too d______ for him. The dog s ____ that one cap is big but the o_____ is small. So he can c_____ the two caps at the same time. Look, the dog is very c_____.

资料名称: 牛津7A听力训练4
文件大小: 64K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7A听力训练
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 牛津7A听力训练1 07-10-04

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 牛津7A听力训练3 07-10-04

 牛津7A听力训练5 07-10-04


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