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牛津英语预备课程 Unit11 At the weekend 全套精品教案
上传者:   加入日期:07-10-10

Unit 11   At the weekend
1.       Does Nick play computer games too much at the weeke
尼克在周末电脑游戏玩得太多吗?too much 太多,此处表示程度,如watch TV too much ;too much后也可以接不可数名词,如too much homework/water。
2.       She sometimes helps me clean the house.她有时帮我打扫屋子。
help sb. do/to do sth.  意为帮助某人做某事,如help the boy (to)wash the  dishes。help sb. with sth.也有此含义,如Dad often helps me with my English。
3.       He sometimes writes e-mails to his friends.他有时发邮件给朋友们。

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