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牛津7A Unit4 Food单元测试题及答案
上传者:   加入日期:07-12-12

 7A Unit 4 Food单元测试题
1、You should not         eat noodles for supper. You should eat some other food.
2、I often feel        at about 12:00 at noon.   It is  time for food.
3、After a day's work, my father gets very __________.
4、People should wash their hands       they have meals.
5、It's ________to keep healthy.
1、You are not fit, and you should change your      (the way you live).
2、Food can give us a lot of       (power(力量) to do things).
3、Eddie is very lazy and he never       (do sports activities).
4、       (a kind of yellow fruit)taste sour, but mooncakes taste sweet.
5、Do you have a healthy        (the food you usually eat)?

资料名称: 牛津7A Unit4 Food单元测试题及答案
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版本年级: 牛津7AUnit4
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