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牛津9A Unit1 Grammar 2教案
上传者:   加入日期:08-12-12

Period   (6)
教学题目:9A Unit 1 Grammar 2
教学课时:Period 6
教学部分:Page 15-17
Step 1 Revision and lead in
1.Show students a picture of Liu Xiang and tell them that he donated 200 thousand Yuan to the people in Sichuan earthquake. Is he generous? Review the sentence pattern “It’s + adj. + of sb. to do sth.” and “sb. + be + adj. + to do sth”
2.Show the sentence “Liu Xiang is generous”, teach students: subject, predicate and predicative.
3.Give them another example and teach object, direct-object and indirect-object.
4. Ask them to make up sentences like the examples and try to add something interesting.
5.Play a game: Ask students to expand a sentence one by one. Teach them attributive and adverbial.
6. Do True or False question. Teach them object complement.
Step 2 Practice
1.  Show some sentences, ask the students to tell what sentence elements the underlined parts are.(指出下列划线部分在句中担任的成分)
2. Show some sentences, ask the students to tell which part of the sentence is the sentence element the teacher show them (指出下列所给成分是句中哪个部分)       
3. Finish the exercises C1on Page 16 and C2on P17. Check the answers.
4. Do some exercises to practice them, check out the answers.
5. Analyze the exercises and the useful expressions together.
6. Another game.
1) Three students a group.
2). One student thinks of a word or a phrase to be the “Subject”; another thinks of a word or a phrase to be the “Predicate”;  the last student thinks of a word or a phrase to be the “Object”;
3). Then form the three parts together to make up a sentence. (Write them down in your Exercise Books)
4). Let’s see which group has the most or the best sentences.( You can also add something more.)
Step 3 Homework
1. Review different parts of a sentence and be able to give some examples for each part.
2. Do some exercises in the workbook.
3. Use suitable words to complete the following sentences.


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