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牛津9A Unit1 Study skills教案
上传者:   加入日期:08-12-12

Period   (8)
教学题目:9A Unit 1 Study skills
教学课时:Period 8
教学部分:Page 20
Step 1 Revision and Lead in
1. Ask students to act out the dialogue about their next month’s prediction.(Yesterday’s homework)
2. Just now, when they acted out the dialogue, they used formal language and informal language.
Step 2 Formal and informal language
1. Explain:  
(1) What is “informal language”?
 Explain to the students the definitions of slang, abbreviations and contractions.
(2) How to express formally?
2. Tell the students when we should use formal or informal languages:
When you speak or write, you can use formal or informal language. You use formal language with your teachers or unfamiliar people.
However, when you speak or write to your friends or parents, you can use informal language.
3.Look at the form on page 20 and explain it.
4.Show students some formal and informal phrases to practice.
5.Finish the exercises on page 20: Try to find out the mistakes in Kitty’s letter. Don’t forget to tell the reason.
Step 3 Practice
1.Show students another letter from a student to a teacher.
2.Discuss in groups. Try to find out the mistakes, tell the reason and how to correct them.
Step 4 Homework
 Find some more formal and informal languages in your homework.


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