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新仁爱版八年级英语下Unit8 topic 3 section A导学案
上传者:   加入日期:15-04-18

课题: 仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit8 Topic3
 Section A (第一课时)
   备课人:  李晓玲         审核人:              班级:            学生:      
1.   知识目标:掌握单词model(n.)&(v.)和一些句型如:Kangkang said he watched it./He said it was wonderful./Do you know when it’ll start?/The poster says it will start at 7:30p.m.
2.   技能目标:能够熟练掌握宾语从句的用法
 如:The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.(注意:若宾语从句所表达的是客观真理或客观事实时,从句中动词的时态不受主句的谓语动词时态的限制)
时装秀_____________  购物中心_____________  模特________________
海报_________________     Sounds  interesting_______________
woolen dress____________     leather____________  wonderful___________
1.   熟读1a并能翻译
2.   我能独立完成1b
3.   我在1a 和1b 中都存在哪些疑惑或不懂的呢?但我能和伙伴讨论解决。
A.Kangkang said he watched it.___________________________.
B.He said it was wonderful._________________________.
C.She asked Kangkang what he was doing.________________________.
D.He said he was doing his homework.___________________________.
练习:(1)Maria asked the saleswoman _________________________________(How much is it?)(改成宾语从句)
     (2) He asked she ___________________________(What sizes do you have?)(同上)
任务五:听录音完成2 Work alone
1.  我会翻译这些句子
A.      明天在购物中心将有一场时装秀
B.      你知道它何时开始吗?
C.      她问康康他正在做什么。
D.      他说他在写作业。
2.  单选
(  )1. Jim said the book ____ very interesting.
A.  be  B. is C.  was  D. are
(  )2. There ____ a stamp collection show in the museum this afternoon.
A.   is  B. is going to have  C. has  D. is going to be
(  )3. The policeman asked the child ____ so that he could take him home.
A.  where did he live  B. where he lived  C. how did he live
D. how he lived
(  )4. —Harbin is really a beautiful city and there’re many places of interest. —So it is. Why not stay here for ____ two days?
A.   other  B. others  C. another  D. more
1.  我都学会了那些单词、短语和句型
2.  我还有那些疑惑


 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic2 Section D学案 16-04-03

 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic2 Section C学案 16-04-03

 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic2 Section B学案 16-04-03

 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic2 Section A学案 16-04-03

 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic1 Section D学案 16-04-03

 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic1 Section C学案 16-04-03

 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic1 Section B学案 16-04-03

 仁爱版八年级下Unit8 Topic1 Section A学案 16-04-03

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 仁爱版英语八年级下Unit8 Topic2 Section D参考教案 16-03-18


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