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读写综合 (本大题分为 A, B 两部分, 共20分)
A) 信息归纳 (本题有5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)
  Do you know how to solve unpleasant things you meet in your daily life? If not, you can turn to Ask Big Tom for advice. Here are some teenagers’ problems and Big Tom’s advice.
     Problem 1 and Advice 1
Bob: I often have trouble falling asleep at night. What should I do?
Big Tom: Be sure not to be excited before going to bed. Drinking milk may also help.
     Problem 2 and Advice 2
Mary: I am always late for school. Please tell me what to do.
Big Tom: You should buy an alarm clock and get up as soon as it rings. What’s more, you should learn to love school.
     Problem 3 and Advice 3
Jack: I often argue with my classmates. Please tell me how I can get along well with them.
Big Tom: I think you may be too impolite. You should be friendlier to your classmates.
 Problem 4 and Advice 4
Jenny: My parents don’t let me go out. The ask me to stay at home so that I can study al the time.
Big Tom:Tell your parents that you need to go out to relax. You can also ask your friends for help.
                        Information Card
The thing that the passage teaches teenagers
The person who often can’t sleep well at night
The thing that Mary should buy
The problem that Jack has
Jenny’s parents’ purpose in asking her to stay at home
 B) 书面表达(本题15分)
假如你是Ask Big Tom栏目的编辑, 专门帮助青少年姐缺一些烦恼。下面是一位中学生在来信中诉说的烦心事,请你给她写一封回信谈谈你的建议。
I want to keep a pet dag at home, but my mother doesn’t agree.
I argue with my classmate Ann.
My physics teacher said I was lazy.
要求:1. 所提建议一定要又积极意义并符合实际;
      2. 80次左右,信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Mary,
   I’ve learned about your problems. I’m glad to give you some advice.___________________
I hope my advice will be helpful to you.
                                                                  Big Tom

资料名称: 广东省高要市高要一中2015年中考英语模拟试题及答案
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