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6. Who is the woman looking for?
A. Her daughter.
B. Her son.
C. Her mother.
7. What color is the dress?
A. White.
B. Blue.
C. Blue and white.
8. Whose is the black bike?
A. Ben’s. 
B. Tina’s.
C. Henry’s.
9. How far is it from Ben’s home to school?
A. 3 kilometers.
B. 5 kilometers.
C.10 kilometers.
10.How will Ben probably go to school tomorrow?
A. By bike.
B. By bus.
C. On foot.
Booking Seats
Place:     11                 Time:     12      
Things to eat and drink: ice cream,    13    and Coke Cola
Reasons for booking seats:    14     
Seats NO.:   15    
11. A. McDonald’s                       B. Pizza Hut                                     C. KFC
12. A. 5:00 pm this Sunday          B. 6:00 pm this Sunday                       C. 7:00 pm this Saturday
13. A. hamburgers, potato chips    B. hamburgers, hot dogs                     C. chocolates, potato chips
14. A. have a meeting                  B. have a party                                   C. have a rest
15. A. Seats 5 and 6                   B. Seats 5 and 4                                 C. Seats 4 and 3
Souanis Kim was an archery(射箭)teacher in a sports school and had trained many outstanding archers. So many parents sent their children to   16  . One morning, Souanis Kim took the students to a tall tree for   17  . He walked to the tree about 20 meters ahead, put a toy bird on the trunk and said, “The task is to shoot the toy bird   18  .”
The students stood in a line quickly. The first one was Sandy. He walked a few steps   19   , put the arrow on the string(弦), drew the bow(弓)and aimed at the toy bird.
“What's   20   the bird?” asked Souanis Kim suddenly.
“The blue sky,” Sandy answered.
Souanis Kim smiled. He asked Sandy to stand aside. The students   21   what the teacher's meaning was, but none of them asked.
The   22   was Keston. Like Sandy, he walked up. Just as he was ready to shoot the arrow, Souanis Kim asked him the   23   question.
“I see the trunk and the leaves,” answered Keston. Souanis Kim   24   and asked Keston to stand aside, too.
The third one was Jobes. Just   25   he was drawing the bow, Souarus Kim asked. “What's over the bird, Jobes?” Jobes stared at the toy bird and said, “I have seen   26   but the toy bird.”
“Great!” said Souanis Kim. Then he shouted, “  27  !” Jobes shot the arrow and the toy bird fell. The students   28   with one voice. Souanis Kim looked at the   29   students and said seriously, “Remember: When an archer is showing, he must have only the   30   but nothing else.”

资料名称: 2015年宁波市南三县英语中考模拟考试卷及答案和听力mp3
文件大小: 6871K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 宁波市中考专栏
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