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第二部分  听短文回答问题
(   ) 11. What’s the date?
A. 17th April.                 B. Thursday.                     C. Tuesday.
(   ) 12. How many students are there in their class?
A. Eighteen.        B. Nineteen.             C. Thirty-seven.
(   ) 13. How do they get to Shanghu Lake?
        A. By bus.          B. By train.             C. By underground.
(   ) 14. When do they get there?
        A. 7:30.            B. 8:30.                C. 4:30.
(   ) 15. How do they feel about the trip?
        A. Funny.          B. Excited.              C. Dangerous.
(      ) 16. Where did Mr. and Mrs. White go last Saturday?
        A. To the park.        B. To the farm.         C. To the theatre.
(      ) 17. What did Mr. White do when he went into the house?
        A. He turned on the lights.      B. He stood quietly.       
C. He changed his shoes.
(      ) 18. Who first heard the noise?
        A. Mr. White.         B. Mrs. White.      C. Both of them.
(      ) 19. Who answered Mr. White at the door of the bedroom?
        A. His daughter.                  B. Nobody.                  C. His neighbor.
(      ) 20. What did Mr. White see in the bathroom?
        A. His children were chatting.      B. Two strangers.
C. The radio was on.
一、单选 (共20题,每题1分)
(   )21. There is ______ “u” and ______ “s” in the word “Sue”.
A. a; a           B. an; an         C. a; an          D. an; a 
(   )  22. We will arrive _________ Tokyo __________ the afternoon of March 3.
A. at, in         B. in, on         C. in, in         D. at, at
(   )  23. —Are these shoes _________?
—No, they aren’t ________. They are __________.
A. your, yours, Mary’s.             B. yours, mine, Mary’s.
C. mine, mine, your                D. mine, yours, yours.
(   )  24. There _____ somebody at home because the light is on.
A. maybe      B. may be        C. can’t be       D. may
(   )  25. After reading for an hour, it’s good to ________ the green trees for a minute or two.
A. look out of            B. look out at   
C. look out from          D. look for at
(   )  26. They are reading ________lesson on Page ________.
A. nine;Twelve         B. nine;the twelfth
C. the ninth;Twelve      D. the ninth;the twelfth
(   ) 27. Li Bin,_______his father,_______playing football。
A.1ike;likes              B.1ike;like     
C.1ikes;likes             D.1ikes;like
(    ) 28. If it ____________ fine tomorrow, I won’t go hiking with you.
A. won’t be     B. isn’t be     C. doesn’t be     D. isn’t
(    ) 29. I spent three hours_______ shopping yesterday. This skirt_______ me 200 yuan.
A. going; cost                B. went; costs   
C. to go; took              D. going; takes
(   ) 30. The bridge over the river is about __________.    
A. two hundred metres long       B. two-hundred-metre long  
C. two-hundred-metres long       D. two hundred metre long
(   ) 31. My brother looks forward to________you at the meeting.
         A.see      B. seeing    C. to see      D.sees
(   ) 32. Mum, this pair of shoes ____ old. Would you buy me a new___?
         A. is;one             B. is;pair    
  C. are;one            D. are;pair
(   ) 33. I hope they_______ fun learning English with us tomorrow.
          A. to have         B. having                  C. will have                D. have
(   ) 34. He is still hungry, he wants to have______ milk.
         A. one more           B. another one   
 C. some more          D. many more
(    ) 35. If you want to walk______the road, you must look around carefully before_____it.
         A. across, crossing        B.  cross, across
 C. cross, crossing         D.  across, across
(    ) 36. - -Would you like ______ milk in your coffee?     
---Yes, just _______.
A. any, a few            B. some, a little    
C. any, a little                  D. some, a few
(    ) 37. Millie fell off her bike on the way home yesterday. _______, she wasn’t badly hurt.
A. Luckily         B. Unluckily     C. Lucky    D. Unlucky
(    ) 38. --- _______ is your phone number? ---It’s 84581868.
A. How much  B. How  C. What   D. What’s
(    ) 39. -- Excuse me! You can't take photos here. Look at the sign: 'NO PHOTOS'.
         -- Sorry, I_______ it.
A. didn't see      B. am going to see    C. won't see             D. don't see
(   ) 40. --Don’t forget to give my best wishes to your parents.
A. No, I don’t    B. Yes, I do    C. Yes, I would   D.OK, I won’t
There are seven days in a week. Some days are people's favourite, but some are not. In the United States, Monday is the beginning of the weekday. It is the day most Americans like least.  And it is certain that the day they like   41  is Saturday. Because Saturday is the   42  of the weekday and it is the beginning of the weekend. Life is   43   at weekends. Most Americans clean their houses, cars or gardens. They   44   the feeling that time seems(好像)to move more slowly. The weekday is for things you have to do, but the weekend is for things you are  45    , so you feel that you can enjoy yourselves at weekends. Some people may get in a car and go for a   46  in the country. They like to take part in outdoor activities. They   47  go to a public eating or a film on Saturday night. However, the  48  of weekends is a recent(近期的)invention(发明). In the early years of the 1900s, rich people began to    49   weekends in the country or visiting friends. For most people, the workday was six days    50  at that time.They had to work six days a week.
(    ) 41. A. least        B. most        C. more             D. less
(    ) 42. A. end        B. beginning     C. middle           D. starting
(    ) 43. A. terrible      B. hard         C. different         D. busy
(    ) 44. A. hate        B. forget        C. remember        D. enjoy
(    ) 45. A. interested in           B. interest in    
 C. interested of           D. interesting of
(    ) 46. A. walk        B. dance         C. drive          D. run
(    ) 47. A. must        B. should        C. need           D. may
(    ) 48. A. day         B. idea          C. activity         D. dream
(    ) 49. A. organize     B. plan          C. spend           D. take
(    ) 50. A. long        B. short          C. early           D. late
Dear Kitty,
   News! We have a new flat! The rooms are small, but they are comfortable. There are more rooms here than in our old flat. This is good because now I have my own room. In the old flat, I shared with my sister.
My bedroom is my favourite room in our flat. I can be alone in it. I can read or draw. I can listen to my radio or play CDs. I can play games on my computer and send e-mails to my friends.
My second favorite room is the kitchen. I love helping my mother cook our meals. She is a very good cook. She is teaching me how to make many different kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Moroccan food. It’s very delicious. That’s all for now. Write soon and tell me about your home. Please get on the Internet so that we can send e-mails to each other.
All good wishes!
(   ) 51. What is the main idea of this article?
A Anna told Kitty something about her family’s new flat.  
B Kitty lives with her family in America.
C Anna likes her bedroom .                          
D Anna’s mother is teaching her Moroccan food.
(   ) 52. What is the difference between the old flat and the new one?
A.The rooms in the new flat are big.      
B. The rooms in the old flat were smaller.
C.There are more rooms in the new flat.  
D.There were more rooms in the old flat. 
(   ) 53. Why is Anna very pleased with the new flat?
A . Because she has to share a room.        
B. Because she has a big room.
C. Because she has a small room.         
D.Because she has her own room.
(   )54. Which room is Anna’s favorite?
A. The living room.       B. The kitchen.    
C. Her bedroom.         D. The bathroom.
(   ) 55. What does Anna do in the kitchen?
A. She helps her mother cook their meals.   
B. She plays computer games.
C. She teaches her mother how to cook.      
D. She reads about Moroccan food.
If you go into the forest with your friends, stay with them. If you don’t, you may get lost(迷路). If you get lost, this is what you should do. Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends---let them find you. You can help them find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. You can shout or whistle(吹口哨)three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times again. Any signal(信号)given three times is a call for help.
Keep shouting or whistling. Always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making a noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard our signal. They will give you two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.
If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house with branches(树枝). Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass.
When you need some water, you have to leave your little house to look for it. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop(丢)them when you walk to go back again easily. When you are lost, the most important thing to do is to stay in one place.
(    ) 56. If you get lost in the forest, you should _________.
        A. try to find your friends   B. stay in one place and give signals
        C. walk around the forest   D. shout as loudly as possible(尽量大声)
(    ) 57. Which signal is a call for help?
        A. Shouting here and there.                 B. crying twice.
C. Shouting or whistling three times together. 
D. Whistling everywhere in the forest.
(    )58. When you hear two shouts or two whistles, you know that _________.
       A. someone is afraid of an animal    B. people will come to help you
       C. someone needs help       D. something terrible(恐怖)will happen
(    ) 59. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence(划线句子)?
      A. Leave branches to find your way back.     
B. Pick off branches to make another house.
      C. Use branches to make a bed.     D. Drop branches to look for water.
(    ) 60. The main(主要的)idea of the passage is __________.
      A. how to travel in the forest    B. how to spend the night in the forest
      C. what you should do if you want to get some water  
D. what you should do if you are lost in the forest
On Friday afternoon, Mr Tian, the Chinese teacher asks his students to write an article(文章). The topic(主题)is My Beautiful Mother. Mr Tian says to the students,“You can go home after you finish it. ”
All the students except(除了)Xiao Hong begin to write. They want to go home early. Xiao Hong is sitting there and thinks of her activities on weekends. She usually plays basketball on Monday afternoon if it is sunny. She plays volleyball on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday she plays tennis. She often plays ping-pong on Thursday. And she likes playing soccer on Friday afternoon.
She raises her head and looks around. There are only five students except her in the classroom. Forty students hand in(上交)their articles and leave for home. She is a 1ittle worried.
She thinks it over, and then, she has a good idea. She writes down the words on the paper: My mother is a tall and healthy woman. She is really beautiful. If you look at her daughter, you can know all about her.
(    ) 61. Mr Tian asks his students to _______on Friday afternoon.
        A. go home                             B. have an English class
        C. write an article                     D. visit friends
(    ) 62. Xiao Hong doesn't begin because she
        A. thinks of her activities          B. isn't in the classroom
        C. thinks it is easy                    D. feels it interesting
(    ) 63. Xiao Hong is good at _______.
        A. her lessons                          B. playing balls
        C. playing the piano                 D. singing and dancing
(    ) 64. There are_______ students in Xiao Hong's class.
        A. 35                 B. 26          C. 45          D. 46
(    ) 65. We know from the passage that Xiao Hong is a _______ girl.
        A. naughty(淘气)and beautiful    B. ugly(丑)and friendly
C. short and old                              D. thin and small
四、写单词 (共10题,每题1分)
66. He is going to order a             [ˈdʌbl] room in a hotel for his grandparents in Sanya.
67. In most homes, people have dinner in the _________/ˈdaɪnɪŋ/room.
68. He is practicing              [fiksiŋ] the clock.
69. John never          (检查) his homework. He is so lazy.
70. We are all busy _____________(准备) for the exam.
71. Keep _____________   [ˈkwaiət ].The baby is sleeping.
72. Those ____________ (孩子们)bags are in the playground.
73. Look! There is a wallet ____________(躺)on the ground.
74. Are there any                   (社区) centers in your neighborhood?
75.There are a few________ (录像)shops on both sides of the street.
76. It's about ten minutes' walk to the hospital from here.(划线部分提问)
__________ _________ is it from here to the school?
77. I will be in Shanghai in two days.(对划线部分提问)
__________ __________ will you be in Shanghai?
78. What other things do you want to buy?. (同义句)
________ ________ do you want to buy?
79. My brother and I lived in the same room.(同义句)
I          a bedroom          my brother.
80. Why don’t you take a walk after supper? (同义句)
                          taking a walk after supper?
假设你是阳光镇“Sunshine Town”的一名初一学生,请根据提示,以My hometown为题,写一篇70字左右的短文介绍你的家乡。
1. 阳光镇离市中心不远,乘地铁到市中心只要20分钟;
2. 小镇很美,空气很新鲜,有许多花草树木;
3. 邻居们都很友好,且乐于助人;
4. 周末,我常去当地的剧院欣赏京剧;有时我还会泛舟湖上;
5. 有中餐馆和西餐馆,但我最喜欢中国食物;
6. 我很享受这儿的生活;阳光镇是一个居住的好地方。

资料名称: 常熟市一中2014-2015学年七年级下期中英语试题含听力mp3
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