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第一节  听对话选图。
听下面5段对话,从题中所给ABC三幅图 中选出与对话相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。
1. W: Hi, Tom, what did you think of the news?
M: I felt happy to hear the news.
2. M: Helen, What does your father do?
W: He is a doctor
3. M: Yesterday we didn’t go camping because of the heavy rain,.
W: What a pity!
4. M: Hello, Linda. Do you like living in the tall building?
  W: No, I like the town house with two floors.
5. W: When does the train arrive in Fuqing, Mr. Smith?
M: It leaves at 2:30 p.m. and arrives at 6:00 p.m..
第二节  对话理解
M: How shall we get there on time?
W: How about cycling?
M: Great.
M: Which do your parents like better, movies or Beijing Opera?
W: My father likes Beijing Opera and my mother likes movies.
W: Dad, I am not feeling we ll now. I’ll stay at home instead of going to school.
M: Why not go to see a doctor, Linlin?
W: OK, I will.
M: What color do you often wear?
W: Well, I often wear orange clothes , because they make me happy
听第五 段对话,完成10~11两小题。
W: Mike, Jane is crying.
M: What’s the matter with her?
W: Her toy is lost. It was on the bed.. But now, it is not there. She can’t find it .
M: That’s too bad. Help her find it .
W: OK! Ah, the toy is u nder the bed.
W: Hi, Michael. Would you like to visit the Great Wall with me this weekend?
M: Sorry, I’m afraid I have no time. My cousin, Kate, will come to see me.
M: Excuse me, can I borrow the book “the animals’ world”?
W: Of course, it is on that shelf over there.
M: Ok. How long can I keep it?
W: For two days. You must return it on time.
M: OK, I will.
第三节      短文理解。
Hello! Boys and girls. Here’s some information about our trip to the town calle d Field. We’ll take a bus there . It will take us about four hours to get there. So we have to start early. The bus will wait for us at the school gate at 7:00 tomorrow morning. The school will prepare nice sandw iches as our lunch and we’ll eat together in a park. After lunch, we will walk around the old market. You will be able to buy some presents there. We will meet at the park gate. If you’re lost, please call me at 85222586. OK. See you to morrow.

资料名称: 福清市2014-2015学年八年级下期中考试英语试题及答案
文件大小: 2241K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下半期试题
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