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(    )1.Where is Noodle House?
A.Across from Lucy’s house.                     B.Across from the library.
C.Far from the bank.
(    )2.When is Erin leaving?
A.On Tuesday.      B.On Wednesday.   C.On Thursday.
(    )3.What will go to Chengdu with Jack?
A.His father.      B.His uncle.        C.His mother.
(    )4.What will Leo probably buy for Bill’s birthday?
A.A schoolbag.        B.A film ticket         C.A music record.
(    )5.What does Grandma think of the city?
A.Crowded and noisy.                              B.Dirty and noisy.
C.Full of sadness.
6.Who does Alice think of the new computer?
A.It’s beautiful           B.It’s expensive.      C.It’s small.
7.What happened to Tim this morning?
A.He was late for work.                               B.He had a bad cold
C.he was late for school.
8.What has Lucy just drunk?
A.Tea.                     B.Water.                 C.Milk.
9.Where is Mary now?
A.At school.            B.In the school library.C.At home.
10.How much are the skirts?
A.$25.                    B.$ 35.                    C.$60.
11.Where is the new sports centre?
A.Near Straight Road.         B.On Long Street.               C.Beside the station.
12.What sport can’t people do now at the spots centre?
A.Table tennis.                    B.Volleyball.                       C.Swimming.
13.How much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are l6?
A.$40.                               B.$50.                                C.$60.
14.Why will they go to the sports centre next Friday?
A.They won’t have any classes.
B.They call play there longer.
C.The tickets will be cheaper.
15.What’s the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?
A.Schoolmates.                  B.Workmates.                     C.Twins.
       It was the first day of school.I had a new classmate, a little old lady with a warm smile.She said, “Hi, young man! I'm Rose.I'm 87 years old.Can I give you a hug?”
       I said   16  , “Of course!”
       “Why are you in college at  17    an age?” I asked.
       She joked, “I'm here to meet a   18    husband, get married, have children, and then travel around the world.”
       “No, seriously,” I asked.
       “I always   19   of having a college education.Now I'm getting one!” she told me.
       After a year, Rose became popular.She easily made friends wherever she went.She loved to dress up and she enjoyed the attention fro m   20 
       At the end of the term we invited Rose to   21   at our party.I'll never forget what she taught   22 
       “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow   23   because we stop playing.Here are the   24   of staying young.You have to laugh and find humor every  25  .You've got to have a dream.When you   26   your dreams, you die!” she said.
       “There is a big   27   between growing old and growing up.Anybody can grow old.That doesn't take any talent or ability,” she added.“But to   28  , you have to find th e chance in change.Have no regrets(遗憾).We usually don't have regrets for what we did ,  29   rather for things we did not do.”
       Finally we graduated from the college with Rose.One week  30  graduation , she died peacefully in her sleep.She taught us by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.
16.A.slowly                    B.happily                   C.heavily             D.badly
17.A.so                          B.this                        C.such                       D.that
18.A.rich                        B.bad                        C.poor                       D.short
19.A.hoped                     B.wished                    C.wanted                   D.dreamed
20.A.another                   B.the other                 C.the others           D.others
21.A.say                         B.speak                      C.talk                D.discuss
22.A.us                         B.her                        C.him                       D.them
23.A.young                  B.old                     C.tall                 D.thin
24.A.stories                   B.secrets                   C.seasons                  D.surveys
25.A.week                      B.month                    C.year                       D.day
26.A.lose                        B.have                       C.keep                       D.like
27.A.chance                    B.change                    C.difference           D.problem
28.A.stand up                 B.grow up                  C.grow old                 D.keep healthy
29.A.because                 B.so                       C.though                 D.but
30.A.in                       B.after                     C.during              D.before 

资料名称: 枣庄市峄城区吴林街道中学2015年中考模拟英语试题(二)及答案
文件大小: 292K
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版本年级: 枣庄市中考专栏
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