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A. 根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片
1. All the students must wear school uniforms from Monday to Friday.
2. It is good for students to go to the countryside by bicycle in spring.
3. Paper-cutting is one of the traditional Chinese skills.
4. There was an exciting football match between Class Four and our class last week.
5. Shanghai Disney will offer many of the same attractions as the Disney parks in America.
6. My cousin never forgets to water the flowers in the morning.
B. 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案
7.    M: Has your father come back from France?
W: Yes, he returned home last night. But he will leave for America this coming weekend.
Q: Where has the girl’s father been?
8.      M: Excuse me, is this shop open on Sundays?
       W: Yes, of course.
        M: What time does it usually open?
     W: It usually opens at ten during weekdays but half an hour later on Saturdays and Sundays.
     Q: When does the shop open at weekends?
9.    M: Is this your first time to come to our company, Linda?
W: Yes, I have been expecting it for a long time.
       M: How did you come here, by bus or by underground?
       W: Neither. I came here by taxi. I don’t know the way.
Q: How did Linda come to the company?
10.   M: We are going to have a picnic this Sunday afternoon. Would you like to join us, Judy?
     W: I’d like to, but I have planned to take part in my cousin’s birthday party. Thank you
       Q: What will Judy do this Sunday afternoon?
11.  M: It will be very hot this summer. My mom and I bought two air-conditioners yesterday.
W: How much were they altogether?
M: The bigger one is 2200 yuan and the smaller one is 1800 yuan. The shop assistant told me that if I bought two of their products, I could have them at 10 % off.
Q: How much did the man pay for the two air-conditioners?
12.   M: I’m glad to be back here. I can enjoy the beautiful sunshine again.
       W: Where have you been?
M: I have just come back from Beijing. The weather there was awful. It was windy and cold. I miss the warm weather in Shanghai.
       Q: How was the weather in Beijing?
13.   M: What’s wrong with you, Jenny?
W: I’ve got a headache. I was too excited to go to sleep last night.
       M: Why?
    W: I drank two cups of coffee while watching TV in the evening.
       Q: Why couldn’t Jenny fall asleep last night?
14. W: Ben, may I use your car this weekend? My car was broken yesterday. And it’s being
M: I’m sorry, Kitty. My brother Tom has asked for it.
Q: What can we learn from the dialogue?
C. 判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示
Dogs make good friends, but they also make good workers. Among all the working dogs, police dogs are the best of all.
A police dog, including a drug sniffing dog should be clever, brave, strong and has a very good nose. A well-trained police dog is a great working partner. But how are they trained? Johnny is just such a clever drug sniffing dog. Johnny’s job is to smell out hidden drugs and he enjoys his job very much. Johnny has no interest in drugs, of course. Actually, he’s looking for his favorite toy.
Like other police dogs, Johnny loves to play with his favorite toy – a towel. To begin the training, Joe, Johnny’s trainer, plays with him and the towel. Later, a bag of drugs is put inside the towel. After playing for a while, Johnny starts to recognize the smell of drugs as the smell of his favorite toy. Joe then hides the towel with the drug in different places. Johnny soon comes to learn that if he smells out the smell of drugs and finds the towel, he’ll be rewarded with the game. Their training has taught him that the smell of drugs is the smell of his favorite toy.
After training, Johnny can work with police officers and help to find out drugs in streets, at airports and even in the rubbish. Police dogs are really great helpers!
D. 听短文填空,完成下列句子
Each year, thousands of Chinese middle school students go to study in foreign countries such as America, Britain, Australia and Japan.
  Chen Yi, a Chinese writer who has lived in America for 16 years, told more than 300 parents and their children that life in foreign countries can be hard for young people. “They should meet a culture shock and language problems.”
   However, these are not the most difficult things. To most children, looking after themselves when staying alone in a foreign country is a big challenge.
   Zhang Jia, a 16-year-old student, began to study in a high school in Sydney last October. He felt surprised that his teachers there never pushed students to study. And usually there wasn’t homework. “With these education systems, we have more spare time and more space for thinking,” said Zhang. “But if you don’t know how to plan your time and money, you will not have an easy time.” Some of his friends spent their whole year’s money in the first two months of the term, and they didn’t pass their exams.
   “Studying abroad at a young age can help students improve their spoken English and broaden their minds, but students and parents should know about the challenges. Before going abroad, talk to someone with experience in foreign countries. Make sure that you are ready for it.”
Part 1  Listening
I.     A.  1---6              E     A     H     B     G     D
B.  7-14        A     C     A     D     C     B     C     D
C.  15-20      F     T     T     F     T     T
D.   21. Britain, Australia            22. language problems                 23. stay alone
24. felt surprised                  25. Studying abroad
Part 2  Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar
II. 26---30           B     C     C     D     A
   31---35            D     C     C     B     D
   36---40            D     A     B     C     B
   41---45       B     B     D     C     B
III. 46- 53            D     B     E     A    C     B     A     D
IV. 54. thirtieth                  55. natural                    56. balconies          57. worse
58. gently                         59. solution                 60. enables            61. dishonest
V.          62. didn’t deal                  63. What did                 64. were spent
65. What fun                66. did he                            67. apologized, taking
68. We should do something to stop air pollution in Shanghai.
Part 3  Reading and Writing
VI.  A:  69. C  70. B   71. A   72. C   73. B   74. D 
B:  75. B  76. C   77. A   78. B   79. A   80. D     
C 81. encouraged              82. include            83. hardly              84. necessary
85. behaving                 86. satisfied           87. difficulties
88. Yes, they do.
89. For one to two weeks.
90. They often go to places like Florida and Cancun.
91. By doing community service, helping with disaster-hit areas or doing other volunteering work.
92. Students feel refreshed and ready to finish the school year when they return to school.
93. (Open. I will fly to the places like Florida because I want to enjoy the beach and sunshine. / I will have a staycation because I want to visit some local tourist attractions. / …..)

资料名称: 上海市嘉定、宝山区2015年中考二模英语试题及答案(扫描版)
文件大小: 5223K
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版本年级: 上海市中考专栏
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