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2015年秋人教新课标九年级英语Unit1单元测试卷 笔试部分(95分) Ⅴ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ( B )21.—______ did you tell Mary about the story? —By ______ an e­mail. A.How,send  B.How,sending  C.What,send  D.What,sending ( B )22.The box is ______ heavy for the child ______ carry. A.so,that B.too,to C.enough,to D.so,to ( A )23.—Sorry,but I didn't quite catch what you said.Would you please ______ your e­mail address? —OK.It's andy 19840313@12b.com. A.repeat B.return C.recycle D.review ( D )24.—What are you doing now,Jim? —I'm surfing the Internet.I want to find ______ on it. A.interesting anything B.anything interesting C.interesting something D.something interesting ( B )25.If you want to know how a word is used,you can ______ it ______ in a dictionary. A.pick,up B.look,up C.clean,up D.give,up ( D )26.I don't know ______ next time. A.how can do B.what can do C.how to do D.what to do ( A )27.Our English teacher speaks very loudly ______ all the students can hear him clearly. A.so that B.even though C.while D.in order to ( C )28.The math teacher got angry with me when I did not ______ him in class yesterday. A.look for B.take care C.pay attention to D.fall asleep ( B )29.—Han Li has improved her English a lot since she joined the English Club. —How ______ she chose to join it at first! A.quickly B.wisely C.simply D.suddenly ( D )30.I want to ______ what my teacher just said. A.cut down B.look down C.turn down D.write down ( A )31.______ English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good. A.Reading B.Read C.Reads D.To read ( C )32.—I haven't got a partner ______. —Maybe you can ask John for help. A.work with B.to work C.to work with D.working with ( C )33.A tourist will easily lost his way in Beijing ______ he has a map or guide. A.if B.because C.unless D.when ( C )34.—I'm a little poor at English.What should I do? —I think you need ______ it every day. A.practice to speak B.to practice to speak C.to practice speaking D.practice speaking ( D )35.—I wonder if I can learn English well. —______.All things are difficult before they are easy. A.I am afraid so B.You're slow C.It takes time D.It's a piece of cake Ⅵ.词汇运用。(每小题1分,共10分) A)根据句意及汉语提示,填写恰当的单词。 36.I'm so lucky to have James as my _partner_(搭档). 37.John kept the _secret_(秘密) from his parents. 38.You're sure to do better in the exam if you start to _review_(复习) the important points earlier. 39.Many of the students don't have much _knowledge_(知识) of American history. 40.It's not polite to cut in others' _conversations_(谈话). B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 41.—What about _going_(go) to the movies this evening? —That's a good idea. 42.My brother learns English by _reading_(read) English books. 43.Take risks,learn from mistakes,keep _creating_(create),and never give up. 44.Can you get the _pronunciation_(pronounce) right? 45.The more you use your brain,the _cleverer_(clever) you'll be. Ⅶ.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) I have taught English in China for over six years.I think Chinese students work very __46__,but the way they learn isn't the best.__47__ should focus on using what they already know.A lot of students seem to think they need to learn a large number of words or phrases __48__ they are able to say what they want to say.Most of the time they don't;they just need to __49__ the words they have learned more creatively. A lot of Chinese students have spent a __50__ time learning English,but they haven't spent a long time __51__ to use it.You don't need to go abroad(到国外) to use English.You can find __52__ you like on the Internet in English—basketball,chess,dogs…I have met a lot of people from Europe who are __53__ English.They didn't spend hours learning from textbooks,and they didn't all go to the best schools.They regard English as a tool __54__ having fun,socializing(交际) and doing business—not just for passing exams.I suggest the students in China should spend more time using their English for pleasure(快乐)—listening to __55__,watching movies,reading news or whatever else they like to do.Whenever you use a skill,you'll improve it. ( A )46.A.hard B.well C.quietly D.quickly ( C )47.A.Children B.Parents C.Students D.Teachers ( C )48.A.since B.though C.before D.unless ( B )49.A.add B.use C.lose D.face ( D )50.A.whole B.half C.short D.long ( B )51.A.asking B.trying C.stopping D.remembering ( D )52.A.someone B.anyone C.nothing D.anything ( A )53.A.good at B.poor at C.full of D.afraid of ( C )54.A.by B.with C.for D.from ( A )55.A.music B.secrets C.lessons D.pronunciation Ⅷ.阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) A Note­taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your school work.It can make you confident when you are studying.But unluckily,most students don't know how to take notes. ★Write down key facts.If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard,that's great.You can copy them or write down the most important facts of all in class.Different teachers do things differently.For example,some teachers may focus on(关注) lots of dates and facts in class,but they only write the important ones on the blackboard.Other teachers may not write anything down,but they may say something important again and again. ★Ask.Don't be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what you miss.If your teacher speaks too fast and you can't follow what he is saying,you can ask him after class. ★Compare.Comparing your notes with your classmates' can be good for your learning.It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes. ★Organize.Note­taking also needs organization.Keep notes for each subject in one notebook,so that you can find everything easily when a test comes. ★Good note­taking takes time.If you decide to recopy your notes every evening,you'll surely have less time to watch TV.But you'll save time in the coming test. ( B )56.There are ______ main points about note­taking in this passage. A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 ( C )57.What should you write down in your notebook in class? A.Every word. B.Lots of dates. C.The most important facts. D.Your complaints about the teacher. ( A )58.If you can't follow your teachers in class,what should you do? A.Ask them after class. B.Ask them before class. C.Stop listening in class. D.Complain to them about the class. ( D )59.Which way can help you correct mistakes in your notes? A.Organizing the notes. B.Recopying your notes after class. C.Asking your teachers for help. D.Comparing your notes with others'. ( A )60.Which can be the BEST title for this passage? A.How to Take Notes. B.What to Do in Class. C.How to Study for a Test. D.What to Do with Problems. B(2014·新疆米泉) When you finish high school or university,is learning done?The answer is “no”.In many countries,people continue learning all their lives.Why is lifelong learning important?How can it help you?Let's look at one example of lifelong learning in Japan. Why is lifelong learning important? You go to school and learn.You take tests.But learning doesn't only happen in school.And learning doesn't stop when you graduate from high school or college.You are learning all the time.For example,learning can happen when you go to a museum.It can also happen when you get a job.You learn when you play a sport or when you take a trip.Learning is life!We never stop learning.Every day,you can improve yourself by learning something new. Lifelong learning in Japan In Japan,life learning is very important.People in Japan like to try new learning activities.Music,calligraphy,flower arranging,and foreign languages are some of their favorite classes.The Japanese take classes to improve their skills and learn new things. Conclusion When we graduate from school,we can continue to learn.Make lifelong learning one of your goals! ( A )61.Why is lifelong learning important? A.It helps you improve yourself. B.It's the best way to learn. C.It's fun and easy. D.It's an important goal. ( B )62.Some people in Japan take foreign language classes to ______. A.get a job B.learn new things C.get good grades D.finish college ( D )63.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Learning only happens in school. B.When we graduate from school,learning is done. C.You can't learn anything when you play a sport. D.Music,calligraphy,flower arranging and foreign languages are popular classes in Japan. ( D )64.When can we learn? A.In the high school. B.In the college. C.When you get a job. D.In school or college,at work. ( D )65.What is the main idea of the reading? A.Learning can be fun. B.We are always learning in school. C.Finishing high school is important. D.People can learn all their lives. C ①Memorizing_class_notes_is_a_good_way_to_learn_English.But what is the easiest way for you to memorize class notes?The question is difficult to answer,because different people think in different ways and there are really too many ways.It also has something to do with the material(材料) to be memorized. I have used a very good way to memorize class notes before.I typed(打字) the whole term's hand­written notes into a computer.②虽然这需要很多时间,但它是一个好方法。It made me think about the material again,just as if I were taking notes in class.This way of memorizing class notes could also make me feel relaxed,because it was an easy way.I just needed to start from the beginning of my notes and type to the end. There are many other good ways to memorize class notes.For example,you can make a lot of colored marks(记号) on the important parts of your notes.When you review the notes,you will pay more attention to these parts.You can also make an outline(概要) of your notes,and then you will have a better understanding of each lesson. 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。 任务一:将文中画线句子①翻译成汉语。 66._熟记课堂笔记是学习英语的一个好方法。_ 任务二:将文中画线句子②翻译成英语。 67._Althougn_it_needed_a_lot_of_time,it_was_a_good_way._ 任务三:回答下列问题。 68.How has the writer memorized class notes ever? _By_typing_the_whole_term's_hand­written_notes_into_a_computer._ 69.How many ways of memorizing class notes does the writer tell us? _Three._ 任务四:给短文拟一个恰当的题目。 70._How_to_memorize_class_notes./Ways_of_memorizing_class_notes._ Ⅸ.补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(有两项多余) A:Hello!This is Learning English Program.Can I help you? B:Yes,please.__71__How can I improve it? A:That's easy.Listening to more English tapes is a good way.__72__ B:OK,I'll try.And how can I understand the teacher in class? A:Listen to him carefully and take notes.__73__ B:That's a good idea.Well,how should I learn new words? A:__74__ Then you can make sentences with them.Also,you can use them in conversations. B:__75__ A:You're welcome.I hope my advice can be of some help. A.First,you should remember their pronunciations. B.I learned a lot at school. C.I can't get the pronunciation right. D.That will help you. E.I bought a book yesterday. F.Thanks a lot. G.And if you have questions,you can ask your teacher,too. 71.__C__ 72.__D__ 73.__G__ 74.__A__ 75.__F__ Ⅹ.综合填空。(每小题1分,共10分) 根据短文内容,从方框内选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、连贯。 call,way,well,poor,remember,never,how, what,difficult,easy,realize,difference Today I was so happy to know that I did quite __76__ in my last week's science exam.Thanks to Daniel,he taught me a new way of going over lessons.It is __77__ “map idea.” Because of the map idea,I've learned __78__ to find out the main idea of every lesson.And in my mind I can draw a map of all the important knowledge I need to __79__.It's really good.I can remember so much in that __80__. I had __81__ thought of changing the way of my study before.I was always complaining about my __82__ memory,but now my memory has become good because of the map idea.It has made my study much __83__ and more enjoyable.I have __84__ finding a good way to study is really important. In fact,there are many good ways to study and __85__ people may need different ways.If we find out the best way for us,I think we all can study well. 76._well_  77._called_  78._how_  79._remember_  80._way_ 81._never_  82._poor_  83._easier_  84._realized_  85._different_ Ⅺ.书表表达。(15分) 假设你是李姗,你的网友贝蒂给你发来电子邮件,向你诉说她在学习汉语的过程中遇到的一些困难,并希望你能给她一些建议。请你根据下面的提示内容,给贝蒂回一封邮件,教她一些学汉语的方法,并鼓励她不要放弃。 提示:1.学习语言过程中遇到问题是正常的; 2.多看或多听汉语节目,多看汉语故事或电影,多学汉语歌曲; 3.多交中国朋友,多练习口语; 4.如果可以,尽量和中国人住在一起; 5.不要害怕出错,坚持不放弃。 要求:1.句子通顺,语意连贯,符合逻辑; 2.用上所有提示内容,但不要逐字逐句翻译; 3.邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 4.不少于80词。 One possible version: Dear Betty, I'm glad to receive your e­mail. In your e­mail,you said you had some trouble learning Chinese.Don't worry about it.It's common that people have some problems while learning a language. I think you should watch or listen to Chinese programs often.You can also read Chinese stories and learn Chinese songs.You know,a good language environment is very helpful in learning a language,so you'd better make some Chinese friends.If possible,you can also visit Chinese families and even live with them for some time.Don't be afraid of making mistakes.Keep on practicing speaking Chinese and never give up.I'm sure you will make progress. Best wishes! Yours, Li Shan

资料名称: 2015年秋人教新课标九年级英语Unit1单元测试卷
文件大小: 428K
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版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit1
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