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牛津泽林版8B Unit5 Period 2课文练习及答案
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8B Unit 5 Good manners
1、劳驾__________________________  2、谈论天气___________________________
3、与某人握手____________________  4、挡住某人的路_______________________
5、问候人的正确方式______________  6、回避年龄之类的话题_________________
1. The_______ (正确的) way to wash hands should take 30 seconds. But to be safe,  you should repeat it for another 30 seconds.
2. I had a face-to-face_______ (谈话) with my students that day.
3. Mr Smith_______ (问候) all the guests warmly as they arrived.
4. Climate change is still a popular_______ (话题) when people meet for the first time.
5. Did you have any  (亲密的) friends at school?
6. Your mother will become really angry if you don't_______(表现)better.
7. My mum always gives me a_______ (吻) goodbye every morning when I leave for school.
8. You really shouldn't_______ (撞击) into people just because they are in your way.
9. The government says it will let the_______ (民众) know what's going on in our country.
10. We tried to_______ (避免) the car accident but we failed.
(    ) l. Ten years later, the lost girl saw her mother ______ after she was taken away by others.
    A. for the first time      B. at first            C. first               D. the first time
(    ) 2. -Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week?
    Sure. But what subject should I _______?
    A. talking                         B. talk with        C. talk about       D. talk to
(    ) 3. -Would you like to go shopping with me? 
    -I'm afraid I'm _______ tired _______ go.
    A. so; that                 B. too; to            C. very; that       D. enough; to
(    ) 4. Dr Ma invited us _______ his new house last week. He was really nice.
    A. to visit                         B. visit               C. visited            D. visiting
(    ) 5. If you are famous, people will watch you _______ and follow you everywhere.
    A. all the time            B. by the time    C. on time          D. at times
1. The child is old enough_______ (dress) himself without his mother's help.
2. By_______ (send) messages to each other, we have learnt a lot of interesting stories about our school.
3. My friend invited me_______ (have) dinner with her.
4. The teacher said that the sun_______ (rise) in the east.
5. I don't think he_______ (know) me at that time.
6. How long    you_______ (live) in this town since then?
7. No one knows what_______ (happen) to China in the future.
8. - _______ you ever_______ (be) to Beijing?
  -Yes. I_______ (go) there last summer. It was a wonderful trip.
9. Would you please tell me how_______ (make) the watch_______ (work) again?
10. The dog_______ (lie) on the floor when the strange man broke into the house.
    Van Gogh was born in Holland(荷兰)in 1853. He enjoyed drawing as a child. His first connection(关联)with paintings came in 1869.He worked for an art dealer(经营者)in London and Paris for four years, before he became a teacher in England for a short time. He moved back to France in 1877 and soon began to paint. He didn't stay long in Paris. He was attracted(吸引)by the c010urs of the countryside and, in 1883, he moved to Ales, a small town in the south of France. There, he painted his most famous paintings.
    He enjoyed painting people, farms, flowers, and other natural things. Some of his most  famous paintings are The Potato Eaters, The Starry Night, and some different sun flower  paintings.The Starry Night is now kept in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.There is a quiet Vi11age and a tall black tree under an angry sky. Some people say that it shows a war(战争)in Van Gogh's mind between peace(和平)and anger.It was finished on June 19th,  1889.Scientists say that it is a true picture of the stars on that day.
    He was poor most of his life. He made hundreds of paintings, but only sold one of them  while he lived. He was a lonely, unhappy man and died at the early age of 37.
    Today, people love Van Gogh's use of colour and the emotional power(激情)of his works. Van Gogh's paintings are world famous and worth(值)millions of dollars. Museums around the world proudly(自豪地)show paintings by the great artist.
(    )1.Van Gogh began to paint in_______.
    A. Holland                B. France                  C. London          D. New York
(    )2.Van Gogh moved to Ales because_______.
    A. it was a famous sma11 town
    B. it was in the south of France
    C. he liked teaching in the countryside
    D. he enjoyed the colours of the countryside
(    )3. In Van Gogh's The Starry Night, we can see________
    A. some people          B. some flowers         C. a village         D. a factory
(    )4.Van Gogh died in_______
    A.1890                   B.1888                   C.1877            D.1869
(    )5.His paintings are world famous for_____________
    A.his poor life
    B.the high prices
    C. the use of colour and the emotional power
    D. the war in his mind between peace and anger
一. 1、excuse me  2、talk about the weather
3、shake sb’s hand  4、cut in one’s way
5、the proper way to greet people  6、avoid subjects like age
二.1. proper    2. conversation   3. greeted    4. subject   5. close    6. behave   7 kiss    8. bump    9. public    10. avoid
四. 1. to dress   2. sending   3. to have   4. rises   5. knew   6. have, lived   7. will happen    8. Have, been, went    9. to make, work 10. was lying
六.  1. Do British people greet relatives and friends with a kiss?
    2. You should start a conversation in a proper way.
    3. She told us to avoid subjects like age and money.
    4. It's rude to push in before others. .
    5. We are old enough to learn how to behave politely in public.
    6. I'm so sorry that I bumped into you/to bump into you.

资料名称: 牛津泽林版8B Unit5 Period 2课文练习及答案
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版本年级: 牛津8BUnit5
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