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2015年北京市中考英语听力理解提高练习(13) 含听力MP3
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2015年北京市中考英语听力理解提高练习(13) 含听力MP3
6. Where is the new sports centre?
A. On Main Street          B. On Long street   C. Beside the station
7. How much does a year ticket cost a teenager?
A. $ 40      B. $ 50    C. $ 60
8. Where is Simon going to visit this summer holiday?
A. Japan       B. Italy     C. China
9. How many times has the woman been to Hong Kong?
A. Once          B. Twice          C. Three times
10. What book are they talking about?
A. Jane Eyre  .     B. Little Women .   C. Gone with wind.
11. When will David go to the girl’s house?
A. Before he goes to school        B. As soon as school is over         
C. After he has supper
12. What does the man do on Sundays?
A. He gives piano lessons
B. He teaches kids English.
C. He coaches a soccer team.
13. What kind of work will the man do as a volunteer?
A. Help kids with their lessons.       B. Play with kids.   
C. Chat with sick kids.
14. Why is the population in Canada smaller than that in the USA?
A. Because it is smaller than the USA.               
B. Because more and more people like to live in the USA                
C. Because a large part of Canada is often covered by snow and ice.
15. Where do most Canadians live?
A. In small cities.      B. In the mountains or near large lakes.        C.  In the south of Canada.

资料名称: 2015年北京市中考英语听力理解提高练习(13) 含听力MP3
文件大小: 11051K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 北京市中考专栏
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