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A: Welcome to my home for dinner, Nancy. Have you ever been invited to a Chinese dinner?
B: Sure. To begin with. I was very nervous because I have to use chopsticks.
A: I know it's hard for a foreigner to use them. 76                       
B: You're right. I practiced a lot. After all, I've been here for a year.
A: 77                        ?
B: Yes, I like it very much. I think Chinese food is the most delicious.
A: Ha. It's easy to get used to Chinese dinner. But maybe not for the table manners, right?
B: 78                        . I still feel nervous about how to behave politely at a Chinese       dinner table.
A: There are a lot of rules that foreigners might never know until they were told. For example,you should not stick your chopsticks into the rice bow!
B: Oh, sorry. 79                        ?
A: Maybe you should have placed them over your bowl or plate. When they are sticked into the rice, they look like two incense sticks(香烛). It will make others feel unhappy.
B: Oh, I see! There's a long story even with a pair of sticks. Thanks for telling me.
A: It doesn't matter. Beijingers are famous for their warmth and kindness.
B: I agree. 80                        . I feel lucky to have friends like you.

资料名称: 洛阳市2015年中招模拟考试英语试卷(三)及答案(无暗记版)
文件大小: 347K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 洛阳市中考专栏
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