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5. Where are the speakers?
A. In a school.             B. At home.              C. In a shop.       
6. What does the girl want?
A. Candies.              B. Apples.           C. Vegetables.
7. What are they talking about? Something about _____.
A. food.                     B. .sports                C. weekend
8. What did the woman do on Sunday? 
A. Watching TV.          B. Doing housework. C. Reading books.
9. Where does the woman want to go?
A. To the train station.     B. To the post office.    C. To the museum.
10. How will she go there?
A. By car.                    B. By bus.                   C. On foot. 
   11. What sport does Paul like best?
      A. Basketball.           B. Volleyball.          C. Running.
12. What does Paul usually do on Saturday?
   A. He runs with his dog.  B. He does his homework.  C. He goes out riding his bike.
13. What time can Paul watch TV?
    A. When he gets home.
    B. After finishing his homework.
    C. Before making things with his friends.
   14. What do we know about the woman?             
      A. She doesn’t like cooking. 
B. She never works out.
C. She often goes to see her friends.
   15. What is the man trying to do?                   
      A. Ask the woman to see the films.
      B. Ask the woman to travel with him.
      C. Ask the woman to take more exercise.
   16. What are the speakers mainly talking about?         
      A. Friends.             B. Health.             C. Things they like.

资料名称: 北京市石景山区2013-2014年七年级下期末英语试题及答案
文件大小: 2867K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标七年级下期末试题
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