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6. When is the bus leaving?
A. At 6:20                              B. At 6:30                    C. At 6:40
7. Where are they talking now?
  A. At Simon’s home                             B. On the phone                   C. At school
8. How are the things in Sunshine Shopping Mall?     
  A. Very expensive                            B. Not very good          C. Cheap
9. How many people are there living in London?
  A. 8, 000                       B. 80, 000               C. 8,000,000
10.Where are they?
  A. In school                    B. At home               C. In a zoo
11. Where is the post office?
A. On the left of the street.              B. At the end of the street.    C. Behind a red building.
12. How will the man get there?
A. Take a taxi.                         B. Take a bus.                    C. On foot.
16. What’s the speaker’s city like?
   A. Clean and big.              B. Quiet and clean.         C. Clean and busy.
17. What’s in the city centre?
   A. A square.                  B. A park.                C. A shopping mall.
18. What do local people like doing in the square at night?
   A. Playing ball games.          B. Having a walk.         C. Dancing.
19. Where is the lake?
   A. In the east.                 B. In the south.           C. In the north.
20. What’s in the west?
   A. A hill.                     B. A river.               C. A lake.
二、单项选择  从下列每题所给的选项中, 选择一个最佳答案。(共15小题, 每小题1分,计15分)
21. —Do you know ________ girl over there?
   —Yes. She is ________classmate of mine.
    A.a; a               B. a;the                  C. the; a             D. the; the  
22. —______is the post office from here?—It’s about fifteen mimutes’ walk.
     A. How far          B.How long            C. How many       D. How often
23. How do you say “40019”in English ?
     A. forty thousand nineteen                    B. forty hundred nineteen            
     C. forty thousand and nineteen              D. forty hundred and nineteen
24. —Could I swim here?  —Sorry, I’m afraid you_______.Look at the sign”No swimming.”
     A.couldn’t        B.cannot           C.can            D.could
25.— How was your holiday in Beijing? —Great! We_____many photos there.
A. take           B. will take        C. are taking        D. took
26. There was a big fire last night,but the firemen _________ quickly.
 A. put it up       B. put up it        C. put it out        D. put out it
27. The little girl painted one side of the paper green but _________ side black.
    A. the other       B. the others       C. another         D. other 
28. --- Who _______ you English ?
   --- Mr zhu. But he _________ in No. 1 Middle School last year.
A. teaches; teachers     B. teaches; taught    C. taught; teaches     D. taught; taught
29. We should____”Good morning!” when we meet our teachers in the morning.
    A . talk          B.speak       C. tell         D.say
30.The engineers can help you if there is ___________ with your computer.
    A. wrong anything     B. something wrong   C. nothing wrong    D. wrong something
31. —Remember to bring your homework here, Tom.   —OK, _______.      
 A. I don’t          B. I won’t     C. I will       D. I do
   A. What delicious fish B. What a delicious fish  C. How delicious fish D. How a delicious fish
33.That song sounds_______. I want to listen to it again.
    A. well          B. good        C. bad         D. badly
34.—_____enjoy Beijing Opera with us? —Good idea.
    A.Why don’t     B.What about    C.Why not     D.Would you like
35.—Thank you for your help.   —_________.
    A.That’s great    B.I’m afraid not  C. You’re right  D. You’re welcome

资料名称: 扬中市八桥中学2015年七年级下英语期末模拟试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 7328K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7B期末复习
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