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1. A. All right.    B.No problem.    C.Have another try.
2. A. Yes, please.    B.Not at all.    C.It doesn't matter.
3. A. Don't mention it.    B.That's a good idea.    C.What a pity! I'll be busy that day.
4. A. Sounds great.    B.You're welcome.    C.I like it very much.
5. A.1 agree with you.    B.It's very kind of you.    C.I'm afraid I can't.
6. What does the woman want to drink?
  A. Tea    B.Coffee    C.Orange juice
7. What's the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Husband and wife    B.Doctor and patient
  C.Sh.o p-assistant(店员)and customer
8. Wh en does the mall close at weekends?____
  A. At 9:00 a.m.    B.At 9:30 p.m.    C.At 10:00 p.m.
9. Where will they have dinner?
  A. At home    B.In a restaurant    C.In a fast food shop
10. What does the gir l want to do in Australia?
    A. Have a trip    B.Visit someone
    C. Study for a university degree
Notes:1.photographer['fautagra:fa]”.摄影师    2.album['zelbam]”.相册,影集
11.Why does Richard want to take a picture of Martha? Because he wants to use the
A. in his novel    B.in his story book    C.in his book of pictures
12. What is Richard's book about? It's an album of pictures of
    A. strangers    B.the United States    C.his family members
13. Where does Martha come from? She is from____.
    A. France    B.New York    C.Boston
14. How long has Martha been in the US?____.
    A. Three months    B.Four years    C.One year
15. How many family members did Richard mention in the conversation?____
    A.4    B.5    C.6
16. Good news!  We'll have____one-day holiday in order to celebrate the 70th
    annzversary(纪念日)of the victory in World War II.
    A.a    B.an    C.the    D./
17.  When is th.e World Book and Copyrig'h,t Day(世界读书日)?
  It's____23 April.
    A. in    B.at    C.on    D. during
18. We can't make a sandwich without
    A. bread    B.onions    C.yogurt    D. tomatoes
19. Ta_ri Apps(打车软件)can help us travel around more easily.____more and more
  people like using them.
  A. Or    B.So    C.And    D. But
20. On snowy days,a driver must drive as____as possible.
    A. fast    B.slowly    C.wisely    D. carefully
21. -Whose iPhone 6+is it?
                 . I'm looking for it here and there.
    A.I                 B. Me                   C. Mine                D. Myself
22. I love the air              it rains because it smells fresh.
    A. since            B. after                 C. before               D.  whenever
23.                 interesting TV program 6/Running Man' is !  I watch it every week.
    A. How            B. Wh at                C. What a              D. What an
24. -Which way do you prefer, reading online or reading on paper?
                 . Sometimes I read online, sometimes I read on paper.
     A. Both             B. None                 C. Either                D. Neither
25. It is a world of flowers in spring in Dongying.  You can see flowers                .
    A. here              B. there                C. somewhere         D. everywhere
26. Police: What's in your wallet?
   Owner: There          some money and two tickets for today's e-sports competition.
      A. is              B. was                       C. are           D. were
27. Drinking alcoh.ol ( 白酒) can be            your brains.  So people in China aren't
    allowed to drink it if they are younger than 18.
     A. good at         B. good with           C. harmful to          D. thirsty for
28. -             is it from your new neighborhood to Dongying Lotus (雪莲) Theatre?
   -About twenty minutes' ride.
    A. How far      B. How long         C. How much        D. How soon
29. It is reported that nearly               foreign kids joined a British boarding school last
   year, and a third of them came from China.
    A. nine thousand                         B. nine thousands
    C. nine thousand of                        D. nine thousands of
30. -This apple watch is expensive.  Do you have any              ones7
    -Yes, Madam.  Look, this one is¥4188, and that one costs only¥2588.
    A. cheap           B. cheaper             C. cheapest            D. the cheapest
31. -Could you please teach me _           to give out 'Red enve/ope'(红包) on WeChat?
   -Sure. Let me show you.
     A. how              B. why                   C. when                 D. where
32. Everyone should have dreams.  With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be
     A. met              B. created               C. expected             D. practiced
33. Girl: I'm____    the trip which we can go whenever we want to go.
    Boy: You'll take me, and I'll take the money.
    A. taking part in    B.taking care of
    C. looking back at    D. looking forward to
34. The actions and words of celebrities(名人)can have a great    because many people
    may follow them. So they should pay more attention to their behavior and speech.
    A. change    B.surprise    C.progress    D. influence
35.  Chris wants to know____'truth. or dare(真心话大冒险游戏)”at your birthday
    Yes. But if he doesn't like it, we'll play guessing games instead.
  A. who will play    B.whether we played
  C. if we will play    D. why we are going to play

资料名称: 东营市2015年中考英语试题含答案(word版)
文件大小: 599K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 东营市中考专栏
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