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1. What time do you usually get up?  
2. Is there a supermarket near here?
3. What do es your sister do? 
4. Have a good time on your vacation.
5. Would you like to play soccer with me?
6. M: How was your vacation, Linda?
W: Well. It’s kind of boring.
7. W: Jack, what are you doing?
  M: I’m watching a football game on TV, Mum.
  W: OK, but turn it down, please. I’m reading.
8. W: Can I help you?
  M: I’d like some noodles.
  W: What kind of noodles would you like?
  M: Beef and tomato noodles, please.
9. M: Excuse me, where is the post office?
  W: Go down the street. It’s next to the bank.
10.W: Hello, Bob. How is the weather in Beijing now?
  M: It’s ra ining hard outside.
  W: Raining? But in Rizhao, it’s sunny.
M: Hey, Lucy.
W: Hi, Bob.
M: How was your three-day vacation?
W: It was great!
M: So, what did you do?
W: Well, on Saturday morning, I made dumplings with my mother. They were delicious! In the afternoon, I went to the park, and at night, I saw a wonderful movie on TV.
M: Cool. What about Sunday and Monday?
W: On Sunday, I went camping with my friends by the lake. We did some boating and fishing. We had a great time. At night, I did my homework. And on Monday, I visited my grandparents with my family.
M: Wow, you did have a relaxing time!
Dear Dr. Know,
There are so many rules in my life! At 6:00 a.m., my mom says, “Get up now and make your bed!” and in the evening she says, “Go and do your homework right now! ” I can’t go out on school nights, and I can’t watch TV, either. Before dinner, I have to practice the piano. After dinner, I have to wash the dishes. On Saturda ys, I must clean my room. I run to school every morning because I can’t be late. At school, we have more rules—don’t be noisy, don’t eat in class,…
I love basketba ll, but I can play it only on weekends. Rules, rules, rules! I hate them. It’s terrible! What can I do, Dr. Know?

资料名称: 山东省五莲县2014-2015年七年级下期末考试英语试题及答案
文件大小: 3571K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标七年级下期末试题
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