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6. When will Grandpa arrive?
    A. AT 8:00 PM.            B. At 7:00 PM.           C. At 6:00 PM.
7. How is Grandpa coming?
    A. By train.               B. By bus.               C. By car.
8. What is the woman studying?
    A. English.               B. Chinese.              C. Maths.
9. What is the woman good at?
    A. Playing the guitar.       B. Playing the piano.       C. Playing the violin
10. Where is the woman going?
    A. To France.             B. To Australia.           C. To China.
11. Who will the woman visit?
    A. Her friend.             B. Her brother.           C. Her teacher.
12. How is the weather tomorrow?
    A. Cloudy.               B. Rainy.                C. Sunny.
13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. A plan for tomorrow.     B. Programmes on TV.     C. Food for the dinner.
14. What can we know about the speaker?
    A. He was a good football player.
    B. He will take part in the game.
    C. He likes maths and science.
15. Why does the speaker give the speech to the students?
    A. To explain the rules of the game to them.
    B. To encourage them to play football.
    C. To introduce his school to them.

资料名称: 2015年北京市中考英语试卷及答案和听力mp3
文件大小: 9846K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 北京市中考专栏
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