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II. 知识运用(两个部分,共25小题,满分25分)                             
21. Turn down the music.It hurts my_____.
A. nose              B. eyes                     C. ears
22. Eat your own food.Don’t eat _____.
A. me               B. mine                     C. it
23. A quarte r to four is _____.
A. 3:15              B. 3:45                     C. 4:15
24. Alex,look _____ you!You’re wet.
A. at                B. for                      C. after
25. I didn’t go surfing _____ it was too cold.
A. though            B. so that                   C. because
26. The car is _____.It needs washing.
A. clean             B. dirty                     C. old 
27. _____ is your grandmother? Is she fine?
A. What             B. How                     C. Wh ere
28. The answer is wrong.There are _____ mistakes.
A. some             B. no                       C. much
29. You _____ tell anybody about th is——it’s a secret.
A. can                B. must                     C. mustn’t
30. The money _____ real.In fact,it’s not.
A. is                  B. looks                    C. must be
31. He almost fell down.But he _____.
A. didn’t               B. doesn’t               C. won’t
32. _____ this kind of question often asked in your class,Ann?
A. Is                  B. Does                 C. Has
33. People who won’t work should be made _____.
A. work               B. to work               C. working
34. I like sweet-and-sour pork ribs(糖醋排骨)_____ my mother cooks.
A. that                 B. who                 C. what
35. Gina always asks_____, because her things are everywhere.
A. where are her keys     B. her keys are where      C. where her keys are

资料名称: 张家界市2015年中考英语试题含答案(word版)
文件大小: 547K
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版本年级: 张家界市中考专栏
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