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一、听力理解 20
1-5 AABB C       6-10 CBCBC    11-1 5 ACACB
16. Wednesday     17. children    18. look after    19. cheer up     20. library
二、单项选择 20
21-25 ACD DD        26-30 CCDBD         31-35 BCACB        36-40 DBDAB
三、完形填空 10
41-45 CDACB         46-50 DACCB
、阅读理解 15
51---55 BBDAD     56---60 BBCAC       61---65 DACBF
五、翻译句子 10分
66. We shouldn’t always depend on parents.
67. Could you please do the dishes?
68. China is one of the strongest countries in the world.
69. Have you ever been to a nature mus eum?
70. The panda weighs/is 100 kilos.
六、看图短文填空 10分
71. dream       72. teacher      73. On          74. be      75.you 
76. true         77. a           78. myself      79. got      80. more 
七、读写综合 15
A) 信息归纳 (5分,每小题1)
81. David Reilly     82. an English t eacher       83. Sombat     84. earlier this year
85. to study Engli sh and medicine
Good afternoon, ev eryone。
       As we all know, reading is good for us. Reading can make us wise. Everybody needs to read. I think Yu Gong Moves a Mountain is a good book for us to read. The story is very moving. Though Yu Gong is very old and weak, and the mountain is very high, Yu Gong still tries his best to move it. Even the god is moved by him. It is also an educational story. It teaches us to face the difficulties in our life and never give up. I hope you will like this book.
    Everyone, let’s do more reading in our free time. I am sure we can have great fun in books.

资料名称: 中堂星晨学校2014-2015年八年级下期末英语试题及答案
文件大小: 1211K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下期末试题
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