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1. Mr Liu is ____ unusual teacher. He has written _____ useful book for his students.
   A. an; an     B. an; a     C. a; a     D. a; an
2. There’s _____ wrong with my computer. I’ll have it _____ .
A. something; repair         B. anything; to repair
C. something; repaired       D. anything; repaired
3. _____ John was watching TV, his wife was reading a book.
A. As    B. As soon as    C. While   D. When
4. —When shall we go and play basketball?
—Not until the work _____ tomorrow.
A. will finish     B. have finished      C. will be finished       D. is finished
5. The teacher can _________believe that Tom studies so ________.
A. hardly; hard                B. hard; hardly   C. hardly; hardly                  D. hard; hard
6. — Kitty, do you know ______?
— Sure, about forty minutes.
A. when did their class meeting begin.
B. where their class meeting was held
C. how often their class meeting is held
D. how long their class meeting will last
7. I will get my good friend Amy _____ you when you are in the USA.
   A. to help        B. help        C. helping        D. helped
8. This time I don’t know if I _____ the exam. If I _____ the exam, I’ll have a great vacation.
   A. pass; pass     B. will pass; pass    C. pass; will pass   D. will pass; will pass
9. Children need friends _____ their own age to play with.
   A. of             B. for            C. in             D. at
10. People in Yancheng are proud of ________ they have achieved in the past thirty years.
A. how            B. which          C. what           D. when
11. _____ great progress he has made! I really think it’s _____ great success.
A. What a; 不填    B. What; a          C. How; a        D. What; 不填
12. The players are passing the football from one to _____ in the football field.
A. the other         B. others          C. other           D. another
13. He made up his mind to devote his life _____ pollution ______ happily.
A. to prevent; from living       B. to preventing; to live
C. to preventing; from living     D. to prevent; to live
14. —The food here is very nice. Thank you for inviting me.
   — _____ I’m glad you enjoyed it.
A. Don’t mention it.    B. Don’t thank me    C. Don’t worry   D. Don’t you think so

资料名称: 丁蜀学区五校联考2014-2015年九年级上期中英语试卷及答案
文件大小: 197K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9A半期试题
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