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牛津译林版英语9A Unit8全课时教案
上传者:   加入日期:15-07-30

 Step1, Presentation
1.      Look at the pictures and discuss: what can you think of when you see the pictures? → murder, murderer, detective, criminal, crime, suspect, victim, police
2.      Read the new words after the teacher and practice them.
3.      People usually think a clever detective is very important in a case. Do you think so? Do you know these detectives?
4.      Discussion: what qualities should a detective have?
Show the students the learning aims
Step 2   Presentation
Write the new words on the blackboard and practice reading them.
Step3 Comic strip
1.      Here is a detective in our comic strip, too. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
2.      Listen again and repeat. Then practice it by the students themselves. ( Recite it or act it out.)
3.      Practice the useful expressions. (dress, look for, go missing)
Step3, Welcome to the unit
1.      A murder happened last Saturday. The detective wrote a report. Let’s read it and try to be a detective.
2.      Go through Part A on page 95 together and practice the new words.
3.      Do some exercises according to the report.
4.      Go through Part B in pairs.
5.      Practice the useful expressions. (report, happen, suspect, note, height)
Ask some students to recite the dialogue
Do the daily exercises

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语9A Unit8全课时教案
文件大小: 140K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit8
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