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牛津译林版英语8A Unit2 School life导学案
上传者:   加入日期:15-07-31

1.Daniel is the fastest ________(swim) in his class.
2.I think the film is __________(interesting) of all.
3.Don’t spend too much time ______(chat) on the internet.
4.My school has __________(many) teachers than his.
5.It took us three days__________(solve) the problem.
6.Lucy has _________(few) friends in her class.
7.The number of the students in my class_________(45).
8.There _________(be) a number of workers in the hall yesterday.
9.The number of the students in our school __________(be) over 3,000.
10.He spends __________(much) time on study than his brother.
1.     We will try our best to make ______ buildings with ______ time.
A  more ; more    B  less ; less    C  more ; fewer    D  more ; less
 2. We have so ______ work to do and so ______ books to read.
   A  much ; many    B  more ; more    C  many ; many    D  many ; much
 3. Alice is our true friend. She is always thinking ______ of others than herself.
   A  more    B  little    C  less     D  much
 4. ----Does Millie ______ about three hours ______ her homework every day?
   ----Yes, And sometime four hours is not enough.
   A  spends , to do    B  spend ; do    C  spends ; on    D spend ; doing
 5. ----What is your Chinese teacher like ?
   ----He ______ . And he is also our good friends.
   A  likes history   B  is friendly and helpful   C  likes eating meat   D  is 40 years old
1.     Their uniforms ____________________ (和我们的相同).
2.     My room ____________________ (和你的一样干净).
3.     Chinese students ____________________ (更多周的假) in the summer holiday than the British students .
4.     Nancy ______________________________ (一周打两次排球).  
5.     We often                                (花半小时下象棋).
6.     Millie always                       (持续做家庭作业) for two hours every day.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语8A Unit2 School life导学案
文件大小: 80K
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版本年级: 牛津8AUnit2
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