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牛津译林版英语9A Unit1 Know yourself集体备课稿教案
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牛津译林版英语9A Unit1 Know yourself集体备课稿教案
Teaching procedures】
Task1.Lead in
1. Teacher says, ‘Hello, everybody! We haven’t seen each other for a long time. Were you happy in winter holidays? Did you have a good time? Where did you go? What did you do? What did you eat? What food is your favourite? Have you visit your best friends ?’
1.  Introduce your best friend with different adj .
Eg: creative    adj.          有创造力的;创造性的
curious     adj.   好奇的
energetic adj.    精力充沛的
modest     adj.   谦虚的
organized(=organised) adj  有条理的;有效率的
3. Ask students to practice reading the words I introduced just now.
Task.2 Presentation
1. Teacher asks, Do you still remember Hobo and Eddie? How are they this term? What are they talking about now? Let’s listen to the tape. (Play the tape for the Ss to listen to the dialogue between Hobo and Eddie.)
2. Ask some questions about it:
1.What makes generous people feel good ?                     
2.Is Eddie really generous ?
3.Why did Hobo eat up all the breakfast?                          
Task3 Explanation
Explain the important phrases and sentences in the dialogue.
Task4 Practice
1. Work in pairs and drill the dialogue.
2. Ask some Ss to act the dialogue out
Task5 Presentation
A.  Some words are often used to describe people's personalities.
Help Millie complete the following sentences with the words in the box.
B. Millie and her classmates are talking about their own personalities and the kind of job they like or dislike.Work in groups and talk about yourselves.Use the conversation below as a model.
C.Explain and Practise using the following phrases and sentences.
keeps all her things in good order.
shows off
repeat grammar rules for us.
comes up with
Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant.
It's terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.
1. Recite the important sentences.
2. Preview Reading.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语9A Unit1 Know yourself集体备课稿教案
文件大小: 143K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit1
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