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牛津译林版英语7A Unit7 Shopping教案(7课时)
上传者:   加入日期:15-08-07

7 A  Unit 7  Shopping  Reading(1)
Type of lesson: Reading(1)
Teaching aims and learning objectives:
The students will be able to:
1. identify general information about shopping from the reading conversation.
2. use the expressions to talk with shopper and the customer.
3. cherich their presents,love their parents and friends.
Teaching Contents: 
Words:(four skills):pretty cost cheap match pink enough change
      (three skills):shopkeeper  hair clips
Phrases:just a minute  take a look  different from
Sentences: Can I help you? / What can I help you?
How much do they cost?/ How much are they?
I’ll take them.
Here’s your change.
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
1.Help them to grasp the basic words and expressions of shopping.
2.How to make students use the language to talk about shopping.
Teaching methods:
  Task-based teaching  skimming and scanning
Teaching tools:
A tape recorder ; Multi-media
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Revision:
Revise the phrases learned last period and then have a free talk.
We know Christmas is coming.Do you remember what present Daniel buy for Simon?Yes,he buys some stamps for him.Because Simon likes collecting them.
Step 2. Lead-in
1.Show the picture of Amy.Teacher says she also wants to buy Christmas presents for Simon and Sandy.Do you want to know what she will buy? At this time,I’ll take out a hair clip.Please have a look at it.Take a look.What is this?Is it beautiful?Yes,it looks beautiful.It looks very pretty.Then I put it on a girl’s head.Ask the other students.Does she look pretty with the pink hair clips?Yes,it matches her coat.We can also say it goes well with her coat.
How much is it?Ten yuan.It’s not cheap.How much are they?How much do they cost?Ten yuan each.
Show some hair clips.The hair clips are different from that one.We can buy different kinds of hair clips in the shop.I think girls look pretty with colourful hair clips.
2.Say again and write the keys words on the Bb.Let the students guess the meanings of them.
3.Read the new words loudly and Finish PartB1 on P83 quickly.

资料名称: 牛津译林版英语7A Unit7 Shopping教案(7课时)
文件大小: 52K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7AUnit7
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