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外研新版九年级上Module7 Summer in Los Angeles模块检测试卷及答案
(    ) 1 A I’m sorry to hear that  B Don’t worry       C That’s a good idea
(    ) 2 A OK, here you are     B He is glad to do it   C I am afraid he is busy now
(    ) 3 A Chinese food        B Basketball, of course C PE
(    ) 4 A I’m OK             B I can’t fall asleep   C I must go to see the doctor
(    ) 5 A That’s all right        B Very good         C Not at all
(    ) 6 How was the movie last night ?
        A Scary   B Boring    C Interesting
(    ) 7 When will Mark go swimming ?
        A This month   B Next weekend   C This weekend
(    ) 8 Where did the man go on his day off ?
       A To the beach   B To the zoo   C To the museum
(    ) 9 What’s the boy’s favourite subject ?
        A English   B Math    C Science
(    ) 10 What is the time now ?
         A 10:45    B 11:00    C 11:15
(    ) 1 This new pair of socks _____ very nice
         A are    B look    C sees    D looks
(    ) 2 –Do you mind if I smoke here ?
       --- _______, You can go to smoke in the next room
         A Yes, please   B Never mind   C You’d better not    D Of course not
(    ) 3 You are too fat . I’m afraid you must lose ________
        A height    B high    C weigh    D weight
(    ) 4 ________ December , 2013 , he raised 120,000 yuan for the poor students in Sichuan
        A At the end of    B By the end    C In the end of    D In the end
(    ) 5 ---Mum, Look ! My trousers ___ short . Can you buy me a new _____? ---OK
         A is ; one    B are ; one    C are ; pair    D is ; pair
(    ) 6 We are busy _______ the final exams
        A to prepare   B preparing for    C preparing    D preparing with
(    ) 7 The idea to go to West Hill _____ wonderful
        A looks    B tastes    C sounds
(    ) 8 ---How much did you _____ for the pen ? ---- Five yuan . It’s a bit expensive
        A cost    B take     C pay     D buy
(    ) 9 You look quite tired . You’d better ____ a good rest
         A stop to have   B stop having   C to stop to have    D to stop having
(    ) 10 ---You forgot ____ off the lights ? They’re still on
        ----But I remember ____ off the lights ? They’re still on
          A turning ; to turn   B to turn ; turning    C turning ; turning   D to turn ; to turn
(    ) 11 I prefer ___ some shopping to _____ camping since the weather isn’t lovely
          A do ; going    B doing ; go    C do; go    D doing ; going
(    ) 12 Most Chinese parents ____ children with good living conditions
          A give    B offer     C send    D provide
(    ) 13 Be careful , ____ you will fall off the bike
         A but    B and    C so   D or
(    ) 14 Edison said ,Never give up , ____ you’ll make it
         A yet    B or    C and    D but
(    ) 15 My aunt doesn’t have much money , ___ she always enjoys herself
         A but    B and     C or    D so
(    ) 16 You’d better ___the travel company about the bag’s weight
         A asked    B ask for    C ask    D to ask
(    ) 17 –Look ! How beautiful that blue coat is  -----Yes, But it’s ___ expensive
          A a bit of    B a lot of    C a bit    D a few 【4:211】
(    ) 18 –What colour should I choose ? ----It___ your preference
          A pays for    B fills out    C depends on   D take part in
(    ) 19 They prefer to buy a new car rather than ___ it
          A to mend    B mend    C mending    D mended
(    ) 20 You’ll ____ American life
          A take part    B take parts in    C take part in   D take part in
(    ) 21 He has made much progress ____ his English
          A with    B to    C at    D about
(    ) 22 The students had a picture and enjoyed ___
          A them    B their    C they    D themselves
(    ) 23 Your pocket money is 100 dollars ___
          A every    B each    C all    D none
(    ) 24 It’s been wonderful ____ here
           A is    B be     C to be   D are \
(    ) 25 Neither he nor I ____ for the plan
         A is   B am   C are    D be
1 An elephant can w______________ over 6,000 kilograms 【2:211名师】
2 The t_______________ cost of the project is over 5,000 dollars
3 Before you travel , you can book air t_____________ online
4 After you get there , please write to me and s______________ me some photos
5 It’s very hot today , so he wants to buy a pair of ______________(短裤)
6 Tony can’t see the blackboard clearly and he always wears _____________(眼镜)
7 Lingling’s _____________(重量) is 50 kilos
8 The children are taught to respect different _______________(文化)
9 ---Do you want to have a picnic ? ---Oh, it d_____________ on the weather 2-1-02
10 They p_______________ hot water for their guests in this hotel
11 They must fill out these three ____________(表格)
12 The meeting ____________(持续) four hours yesterday
13 When you go abroad , you must take your _____________(护照)
14 You take so many clothes , you must be ______________(发疯的)
15 You can also choose _____________(家庭寄宿) if you don’t like hotels
1 二十米已经足够长了
  Twenty metres __________ long ___________
2 你能给我列个学生的名单吗
  Can you __________ __________ _________ ________ the students
3 玲玲正在准备她的洛杉矶之旅
  Lingling is __________ __________ her trip to LA
4 顺便问问,你在什么地方见过我的书吗
  _________ _________ _________ , have you seen my books anywhere

资料名称: 外研新版九年级上Module7模块检测试卷及答案
文件大小: 94K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 外研版九年级上Module7
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 外研版英语九年级上Module7 Unit2课件(共31张PPT) 15-07-14


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