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II 书面部分 (共80分)
(    ) 1.  A. many               B. carrot                     C. apple                       D. snack
(    ) 2. A. excuse                     B. exercise                   C. enjoy                      D. excited
(    ) 3. A. list                          B. shine                      C. fit                           D. comi
(    ) 4. A. both                        B. cold                        C. top                                D. smoke
(    ) 5. A. hungry             B. just                         C. uncle                       D. usually
(    ) 6. A. ready                      B. meal                       C. teacher                      D. clean
(    ) 7. A. food                B. noodles                          C. mooncake                       D. bookshop
(    ) 8. A. walk                        B. salt                                C. call                                D. basketball
(    ) 9. A. think                B. birthday                   C. father                            D. through
(    )10.  A. buses                      B. tomatoes                  C. wishes                    D. watches
1.Can you help me put these books on those _________ (shelf)?
2.Mr Smith is a funny man. He teaches ________ (we) English this year.
3.Sandy often helps others. She is very friendly and __________ (help).
4.The little girl goes to the Reading Club _________ (two) a week.
5.One of the best ___________ (dance) names is Kitty. She dances very well.
6.Do Chinese people have a ________ (特别的) party on New Year Day?
7.Please get some ___________(信息) about Wuxi Zoo.
8.No one __________ (除了) Billy knows the news.
9.At Halloween their ___________ (邻居) usually give them a treat of some candy. 10.Many people use English in the world, so it is _______(重要的) to learn English well.

资料名称: 丁蜀实验学校2014-2015年初一上英语期末模拟试卷含答案
文件大小: 201K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7A期末复习
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