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21. Do you want to send this postcard t________ your mother and father?
22. Many Chinese p________ like to eat dumplings.
23. Now, I’m putting f________ in my camera.
24. You can walk to the front. The train s________ is over there.
25. “We are thirsty. Would you like w________?” “Yes, please.”
26. My classmates are from six ________ (country).
27. Danny and Jenny often go for a ________ (walk) after supper every day.
28. An airplane is ________ (fast) than a bus.
29. Laughing ________ (loud) is good for your health.
30. I can see some girls __________ (play) on the square.
31. “Where ________ (be) you yesterday?”  “I was in the library.”
32. Look! Jenny is ________ (look) out of the window of the train.
33. The ________ (child) are packing their suitcases. They are going to Beijing.
34. My father ________ (go) to the factory from Monday to Friday.
35. Danny ________ (break) his tail at the Palace Museum last week.
A: Can I 36         you?
B: Yes, please. I want five stamps.
A: OK.
B: I 37         five envelopes, too. I want to 38         some letters. Do you have some?
A: Sure. Here you are.
B:39          40         are these things?
A: Five yuan, please.
B: Thank you.

资料名称: 2015年冀教版七年级下期末英语试题及答案
文件大小: 73K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 冀教版七年级下期末试题
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